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[Complete] A Quiet Walk Through Town [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Senior Member

322 Posts
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

Her brow furrowed and she shook her head. She also ordered the English Breakfast, it was something they had in common with the tastes and she always slipped him the mushrooms because she found those revolting. She fully intended on stealing one of his tomatoes, a game she had played with all of her siblings at one point or another no matter how much they got on her last nerves.

"Look at us both," she snorted, "All of us, actually. Kate'll grow up to either learn from watchin' our shenanigans that trouble isn't always fun, or she'll be just as silly as each o' us seem ta have been as we grew up. Ah, John, but I have a ray of hope, I do. I've been ta see a solicitor about a solution to me problem with me husband." She licked her lips thoughtfully, then, and looked down at the table. "I wish to untangle meself from the likes of that rotten husband o' mine. Ye don't even know just how much I now hate the man. I wanted somethin' better than ma and pa have but at least pa ne'er ditched ma fer a fancier skirt and a nip o' spirits. Ah, brother, what do we do?"

She was dying to tell him about her feelings toward the man who's family and staff took her in when she was just about to give birth to her son. It was something she now knew she must keep to herself, especially with the likes of that awful Gareth. It was a secret not even Mister Blackwood would learn unless it came out somehow; it certainly wasn't her place to love a man who grieved his wife while she herself was wed.
Cpl John Blacke 133765

114 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John laughed "with any luck our baby sister will be the sensible one and stay out of trouble. Christ I think I've had enough trouble in my life for all 4 of us! If it wasn't for Constable Crane things would have been alot worse and I would have been sat in prison" he sighed "I think Kate will be ok. Like you say hopefully she'll learn from what we've all done and steer clear of it all. I will admit Joe has shocked me. I thought he would have steered clear as well but I know for a fact if I had went after that journalist. My little brother would have been at my side ready for war like me and probably would have been the same if I had went after your husband" but he tilted his head before thinking and continuing "but the fact Da thumped him in the pub means he's watching his back"

He laughed "God I've missed you little sister! Feels like only yesterday I left and here we are having a conversation like we've only seen each other last week!"

He sighed "God knows hopefully this new lass will steer me away from trouble and I can sort my shit out"
Senior Member

322 Posts
16 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

She blinked at his news that he said so casually. Ruth frowned and tilted her head, "Are ye seein' someone then?" She would not be one to talk about that aside from lending him a bit of her happiness for his happiness. "Good fer ye." And then she looked down at the table, wishing she had it in her to tell him of her feelings for someone, but with all that was going on, the last thing she wanted to do was to add to the chaos already ensuing thanks to that awful reporter.
Cpl John Blacke 133765

114 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John nodded "yeah im seeing someone. But I don't j
know how she's gonna take to me being arrested and put into military prison for a spell. She knows about it Ruth but not sure how she's gonna handle it when the time comes" he thumped the table with his fist in anger. "I should have never come back here Ruth you'd have all been better If I stayed in India. All I've done is cause trouble for everyone. Including myself"

If he wasn't so angry he would break down in tears. He'd lost everything he'd worked so hard to gain because some jumped up little prick wanted to make a name for himself. Become some big shot and move onto bigger newspapers other than the whitby gazette but he didn't have to do it by standing on the bones of the locals. He'd learned that in India. If you want to make progress you work alongside the locals not against
Senior Member

322 Posts
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Oh, John... We all have our things. I..." she looked around and lowered her voice so only he could hear, "I am married to one man and in love with another. Do ye think ye're the only one who makes mistakes? My God, be easier on yerself, brother." And then she realized what she said and her cheeks went bright red. She looked down at her hands for a moment.
Cpl John Blacke 133765

114 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

He sighed "I know, I'm sorry. It's just aggravated the shit out of me. We don't need this and someone's gonna get hurt if this little jumped up prick isn't careful" he placed both arms crossed on the table and sighed once more "I don't know about you Ruth but I just feel we never seem to catch a break do we. One problem finishes and another starts. Only difference is I've kinda made a mend with Joe"
Senior Member

322 Posts
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Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Nay, we don't. It hurts a bit. Doesn't it seem like e'ery time we turn around, someone else has somethin' ta say to us? Many o' the things bein' said by some people ain't e'en true." She sighed and reached out to grasp the back of one of his hands, giving a squeeze. "Bein' angry ain't gonna make it right, John. The best thing we can do is lift our chins and face the music as gracefully as we can. We can't change the past, me brother, but we can make the future better if we let ourselves be human."

Finally, the food arrived, she stopped talking for the moment, hoping she'd been quiet enough to John in their conversation. She noticed a side eye from one person who she recognized, so she decided to make an example out of herself. First, to the waitress, she said, "Thank ye, it smells lovely, miss." She had a charming smile, that almost impish one he might remember from when she was but a young girl. Ruth Blacke did sometimes have a penchant for mischief when she was small, but she had been a good child otherwise. It was just her way of showing love and never done in a hurtful manner toward anyone she liked. At least, not intentionally. She'd probably gone a little too far every now and again but she always tried to do better.

And now she was wiser than she had been. She knew her part in the mistakes that were made in the past, she admitted that she was guilty too and that it took two to make that kind of mistake. However, she would not be letting herself be in that position again in regards to men. She'd rather never find another to love than to deal with this kind of problem ever again. Jacob deserved better.

"We'll figure it out somehow, alright?"
Cpl John Blacke 133765

114 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John laughed "christ Ruth, how many years was I talk of the town for the stupid stuff I did.....or illegal." He felt Ruth squeeze his hand "your right. I've also got some cash put away. Hopefully build a life once this is all done and dusted. Start my own business"

The food smelt good. John had missed british food for years and now was enjoying it now he had returned. Another British meal. He'd craved a fry up since he left for India. He smiled and nodded to the waitress "thank you ma'am" when the good was put in front of him.

He smiled once more "we always do Ruth. We always do."
Senior Member

322 Posts
16 Threads

Pronouns: She, Her
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Registered: Feb 2021

"Aye," she said in agreement. She began to wolf her food down with as much dainty dignity as she could muster, but feeding her son meant she was hungrier at times. Jacob had a lusty appetite for milk indeed, and she was hoping to switch him to something soft and easy to eat for a babe as his teeth were starting to come in.

She gave a heavy sigh and stretched as best as she could under the table, just her legs of course. It was nice to have some time with her brother. She'd missed him.
Cpl John Blacke 133765

114 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: he/him
Age: 25
Occupation: Cpl - British Army
Plotter: The Hutchie Gazette
Height: 5ft 10inches
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jun 2022

John felt the same way. He was enjoying spending time with his sister and was enjoying eating his breakfast. He snorted "makes a difference to that usual shite they fed us in India. Saying that Egypt wasn't much better." He took a drink and continued eating "how is Jacob doing? You last wrote just before you had him. I've still got the photo you sent me in India"

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