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[Complete] And What Do You Think You're Doing? [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Tobias’s eyebrows knitted together once more as he stared at the boy for a few seconds trying to make sense of what the kid was saying. “What? No. I’m not adoptin’ ye.” He said, with a shake of the head. He had learned from past mistakes – or rather, a recent mistake – that creating an ‘instant family’ by picking up a stray was a bad idea.

“And neither was I planning to make a slave of ye. There’s no high walls around the farm, and ye won’t be formally apprenticed. Ye’re free to leave whenever you please. I estimate it would take ye six or seven hours to walk back to Whitby. You’d get food and a barn to sleep in – and a spot in the house for the winter should you choose to stay that long – plus a shilling and a half a week. Better than stealin’ and getting caught, I’d say.” He folded his arms.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat thought about it.  "I'm willing to look at it."  She didn't like being that far away from safety if things went bad, but it was food, shelter, and a regular income.  She could save for her own place somewhere that wasn't a dangerous location that the pawnshop had been.  She isn't sure what she would do for income once she could rent a flat, but she did hope one day to dress normally and be herself.  "I have some things here.  If I go with the job, I will need to get my things after I decide."  She had hidden her pouch of coins (her small savings) for when she had enough to have her own flat.  She needed to let her friends there on the street know where she was going.  She didn't want to just disappear and be missing.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

"Well, ye can't stay on the streets, lad. It's not right to steal when ye could work. If ye don't take t' job, ye should be in the workhouse."

Tobias was somewhat surprised at the boy's reluctant. Perhaps the streets had already gotten to the kid too much, making him think nothing of stealing if it prevented him from having to work. In that case, this was a situation for the police after all.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat gave him a look.  "A lot of people live on the street, mister.  I have friends out here, and we watch out for each other.  There is work just not available all the time. Some more regular than others, but it is seasonal.  And depends on who gets there where it is needed first.  Sometimes we take times as well, as it is only fair.  Today just a bad day for me, is all."

"But one of my friends, Gus, he got a full-time kind of job at the Vaughn stable here in town.  But they only had need for one stable boy right now.  When they have fancy big digs they hire some of us, and even give us a new set of clothes and shoes if it is really fancy that they need someone to ride alongside with the driver and drop down to open the carriage door and putting down steps for the fancies."  She nodded firmly, thinking it was quite a good job.  "Sometimes even get a coin from the rich ones.  The older ladies are the best about that.  Gus says he is learning all he can as he is going to try to work up to be a groom when he gets older."

"I take jobs that are good for me.  I don't know you and you are a long way from those that know me and I need to let them know where I am going.  If the job is one that fits me, I want it.  I could work up like Gus to next kind of job.  But a person has to be safe too, Mister.  I want to see what it is like and see what kind of job I would be doing.  I am strong and hard-working, ask any of the people that have hired me here in town.  I've got a man that has me clean out flats that folks leave without renting a mess inside.  I make it all clean and ready to be rented again.  Worth my pay, I am."  She stated.  "Jobs that no one else wants to do, that needs people like me and my friends."

"I can let Gus know where I am and get enough of my things to survive for a few days, and if I end up taking on the job long-term like, I can come back and get my other things.  Gus will keep an eye on 'em for me." She wasn't going somewhere without a safety.  There were people worse than a bit of purse picketing and she had seen them.  She had been on her own for quite a few years now, and had learned how to be careful.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

This child talked far too much. He didn't like children who had a lot to say. His father used to say that children who talked too much had a hard time listening.

Still, he could see that the kid had a point. He too had heard of vulnerable orphaned children being treated horribly, and living on the streets, the boy had probably encountered a fair share of dangerous folks. "Fair enough. He admitted. "Then how about you go tell your friend, gather what you want to bring and meet me here at four?"

Of course the kid could just run and not come back, and in that case, Tobias wasn't going to trouble himself about it. He was tired.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat nodded with a smile, feeling better about it.  "I won't be late."  The idea of a solid regular income, even if hard work, she could save up and figure out how to find a job that would allow her to be herself and not hiding who she was.  It wouldn't be coin to coin.  "What was your name again, mister.  I am Nat Walker."  She introduced herself.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Nat. An unfortunate name in Tobias' world of associations. "Tobias Appleton," he introduced himself. "Off you go. At four," he repeated. And he went to put the cart and horses away. If he was going to be here for a while, he'd better go to the pub and get himself a drink.

At four, he was back with the wagon at the harbour where he had met Nat.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat nodded making a note of the man's name.  She turned and rushed away.  She needed to hurry if she was to do all she planned to do before going with Mr. Appleton.  Her first stop was at the office where Mr. Cheever managed his coal/firewood delivering business. 

"Nat, I told you I would not have any further work for you today, lad."

"I know Mr. Cheever, but I wanted to let you know I would be away for a while.  I know you don't pay the weekly wages for a few more days, so I wanted to arrange for Gus from the Vaughn's Stable to pick it up for me while I am gone."

Mr. Cheever nodded.  "Yeah, I can do that.  You did three half day's for me this week so far.  So won't be much but I'll make sure he gets it.  Where you going, lad?"

"I have a possible long-term kind of job with food and boarding with a Mr. Appleton who has a farm out of town.  Have you heard of him?"  She asked suddenly thinking if anyone knew the man, Mr. Cheever, would be the one.

Cheever thought about it and then nodded.  "Yeah, I've heard of him and I think done some business with him.  From what I know of the man, he has a farm near Castleton and that the Appletons have lived there a long time and are well respected as far as I have heard.  You will do well working for him, Nat.   If he needs to hear of how hard you work, you tell him to ask me, I'll give a good word on your side.  Good luck, lad."

Nat felt all the better hearing this information.  "I will let knows how it goes.  Thanks, Mr. Cheever."  She waved and headed to the stable to find Gus.

"Hey Gus where are you, mate?"  She called out looking around inside.  Gus came out with a rake from one of the stalls where he had been cleaning out. 

"Hey, Nat."

"I need you to do me a favor."

"If I can, you know I'm your man."

"I've got a possible job out of town for a farmer named Mr. Appleton.  Mr. Cheever knew of him and where the man's place is, said he was a good bloke.  I just wanted to let you know I would be away for awhile, and I am still owed wages from Mr. Cheever.  Could you pick it up on payday?"

"Sure.  And great news about the job.  I hope it goes well.   When should I worry about you?"  He asked knowing they checked on each other for a couple of years there when they were taking work with a new place.

"About a week.  With what Mr. Cheever's said, I am not so worried, but better keep the plan we've always had."  Gus nodded.

"Oh, and Gus, use my wages to see if Old Nan needs anything?  I saw her son out getting drunk again yesterday, he's luckly gambled and drunk off his wages again.  I want to be sure she is eating."

Gus shook his head.  "I would like to bonk that man in the nose.  He's her only income.  I'll take care of her, now worries.  Now that I have a regular job, I can keep an eye on her too."

Nat smiled.  "Okay, then, I'll send you word in about a week.  Take care, Gus."

She headed out with the necessary things taken care of, she headed to the small old shack near the beach and not far from the port.  She grabbed her big sack for traveling.  There was one of her dresses and a set of her female underthings at the very bottom of it along with a frame holding a picture of her parents and herself when she was very young held by her mother.  It was one of the few things she had from when they had lived as a family.  She had some earrings of her mother's and a pocket watch that had been of her father's in the bag as well.

She stuffed the rest of her regular clothing from the last few years, a pair of spare shoes, the various items that she knew she would need to have with her were stuffed into the sack as well.  She rolled the two blankets she had and tied it to the top bottom of the sack using the ropes she had added to it.  The sack was full and slipped over her back using the ropes as like a backpack.  Looking around, she figured if she came back and it was still there, she would have it.  If not, she would get what she would need then.  Her stash of coins were hidden carefully not far away, but secure enough that no one would find it.  She didn't plan to grab it until she found a safe place in her new place to put it.

Finished, she headed back to where she had promised to meet Mr. Appleton.  She was a bit early when she got there, but not too much.  She looked around feeling somewhat excited about this new chance to get her life really going.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Admittedly, Tobias was a little surprised when he returned to the harbour and found the boy already there, all packed up. He had half-expected the child to just run and not keep his promise, and he had suspected that if the kid did show up he might be late.

Well, this was a good sign.

"Alright, hop on. Ye can put yer bag in the back, and sit up here with me. There's a cornish pie for you in the sack over here." He nodded at it. He figured the child might not have eaten anything else than the bread he had been given earlier today, and it was at least at least a two and a half hour drive to Castleton. And so he had picked something up at the bakery. Not the Willaby bakery. He desperately wanted to avoid his in-laws.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat nodded, climbing up on the wagon with an easy limber jump.  She was healthy and had learned to move fast when needed be it for work or to stay out of trouble.  She put her bag where directed.  Glancing at the sack and was still hungry, but didn't want to seem too eager or greedy.  Though the growling in her belly won the fight.  She reached over and carefully got the pie out and took a bite. 

She still wore the clothes from before as she didn't have many to change but she had dusted as much of the coal dust off of her clothing before coming back.  Her other clothes were in the sack she had carried.  Swallowing, she looked at the man.  "Mr. Cheevers, the coal man, said if you needed to know more about my ability to really work, he's speak up for me."  She paused.  "I don't steal as much as I did when I first started out on my own.  Just so you know.  I work hard."  She wanted the man to know he got a good hire.

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