09-09-2021, 11:19 PM
Douglas could see Tristan's logic, however glancing at Pip, he raised a brow. "Tristan, the lass 'as a connection tae the mon. I dinna see us refusing 'er tae gae see 'im. I double she would want one of us following 'er there either. Nor the fisherman wondering why she was bring a bloke along with 'er tae 'is ... place. Sae I would think letting 'im know that she is in danger, and likely if 'e is with 'er that 'e might be in danger as well, we can see what kind of sort 'e is." He suggested as he moved back over to the bottles and poured himself another drink. This was getting complicated.
He looked to Pip realizing that all that was up to Pip. Though she had turned on his surprisingly protective feelings, and he didn't think he could just let her go around out town alone with a murderer on the hunt for her.
He looked to Pip realizing that all that was up to Pip. Though she had turned on his surprisingly protective feelings, and he didn't think he could just let her go around out town alone with a murderer on the hunt for her.