09-08-2021, 06:22 PM
Douglas blinked. He understood the physical needs that a man had, and over his years had found that women also had some. However, he had not expected this of Pip. She had seen so quiet and inverted. He took the drink from Tristan and tossed it down pretty quickly with a slight cough.
Then the issue of the man after her came back to mind. "Could this 'ave been the man that did the violence of yur family?" He looked to Tristan. "Ruining the lass and then doing her further 'arm is a 'uge possibility. We should 'ave the police check 'im oot or one of us dae sae at the vera least, dinna yu think?"
Then the issue of the man after her came back to mind. "Could this 'ave been the man that did the violence of yur family?" He looked to Tristan. "Ruining the lass and then doing her further 'arm is a 'uge possibility. We should 'ave the police check 'im oot or one of us dae sae at the vera least, dinna yu think?"