09-08-2021, 04:56 PM
Douglas was glad Tristan had come up with the idea of something strong to drink. This was a pickle to be sure. "She didnna seem tae know who it was earlier when we spoke of the letter." He glanced at Pip to confirm that reminded statement. "Sae, we need tae be aware and alert tae any new men aroond 'er. I offered for my men tae 'elp as she goes aboot town. I can make dae with Mr. Roberts being over 'ere." He suggested to Tristan.
"Mr. Fraiser can dae the bultering things." He reasoned. "I can escort Pip anytime as well." He offered. "If we notice some new bloke around 'er we can take it up with the police."
"Mr. Fraiser can dae the bultering things." He reasoned. "I can escort Pip anytime as well." He offered. "If we notice some new bloke around 'er we can take it up with the police."