09-05-2021, 03:32 AM
Douglas handed Pip down from the carriage and then paid the driver again and gave him a tip for the extra time he had spent waiting on them. Then he followed Pip to the house and inside closing the door of the cottage behind them. He gave Pip a curious look when she said there was something to tell them both. What more could there be?
He nodded to Tristan but the way his friend acted there had him raised a brow. "She 'as been ill and 'ad a wee bit of unhappy or per'aps news causing 'er some emotional trauma that came up in an older newspaper that I found oot. If yu are nae tae busy with a patient, we should talk. And I think she is needing something for an illness. She fainted earlier and..." he wasn't sure how to say it in a polite manner. "she was physically ill as well." He finally stated.
"But we dae need tae talk aboot this situation that she is in. I feel yu should know aboot it, sae after she fainted I brought 'er 'ere in a hired carriage."
He nodded to Tristan but the way his friend acted there had him raised a brow. "She 'as been ill and 'ad a wee bit of unhappy or per'aps news causing 'er some emotional trauma that came up in an older newspaper that I found oot. If yu are nae tae busy with a patient, we should talk. And I think she is needing something for an illness. She fainted earlier and..." he wasn't sure how to say it in a polite manner. "she was physically ill as well." He finally stated.
"But we dae need tae talk aboot this situation that she is in. I feel yu should know aboot it, sae after she fainted I brought 'er 'ere in a hired carriage."