08-25-2021, 12:00 AM
"I had lots of jobs, when I could find them. None steady, and sometimes there were none available at all. I lived on the street, Jimmy. Sometimes didn't even have a roof over my head with my stomach empty. Some of the jobs would have been fine if they were steady, but most were things other people didn't want to do. Dirty cleaning things, climbing in areas so tight you could barely breathe, or people that follow up on paying you after agreeing to, because you are a street rat and it doesn't matter. It isn't a good life, I promise. Once you get a place like this, steady job, regular food, and a roof over your head every night, jump on it." She gave him a look. "I don't mind hard work, not for that kind of payment, damn right. Though if they abuse you here? That would be different." She watched his expression to see if there was a hint of that.