04-19-2021, 03:07 PM
Douglas nodded. "Actually, I could get a sketch of your study a few days with several sketches to see what view you like of the room, and I can do the actual painting of you here, and put the study background around you." He explained.
"That is the focus, after all. You. That will take longer. Of course." He added. He then continued. "I charge 2 pounds a day. I figure it could take about five days. I charge 2 pounds a day, will that be okay?" He asked. He thought the fact that he was a doctor. He had met a family that had been poorly and he considered the man. Would he mind going to a family in a very bad area?
"I am not familiar with Flowergate. Where in town is that, Doctor?" He asked curiously.
"That is the focus, after all. You. That will take longer. Of course." He added. He then continued. "I charge 2 pounds a day. I figure it could take about five days. I charge 2 pounds a day, will that be okay?" He asked. He thought the fact that he was a doctor. He had met a family that had been poorly and he considered the man. Would he mind going to a family in a very bad area?
"I am not familiar with Flowergate. Where in town is that, Doctor?" He asked curiously.