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[Complete] And What Do You Think You're Doing? [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

He didn’t come to Whitby that often anymore, since for the past month and a half or so, he had used Alice’s poor health as an excuse to cease their regular family visits. It had been a relief, but in many ways, right now, it was also a relief to come to the town and spend some time away from the circus that was his home at the moment. He had left strict instructions to Jenny regarding Alice’s safety, had left little Emma in the care of her wetnurse, and the daily chores around the farm to Frankie, and as he had driven away that morning, he had felt that he could breathe for the first time in weeks.
Buying clothing and furniture for the baby had been the excuse. Several deliveries had been ordered to his home, and he made his way back to his wagon with a large bag filled with clothes, toys, and other items. He stopped for a moment to stare out across the harbour and let his mind wander. He was not in a hurry to go back home.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Nat had needed to change locations and taken a fallen down shack at the edge of town not far from the beach.  It was getting to nicer weather and she liked to sit on the beach from time to time.  However, that meant supplies.  She had not been able to carry the kit she had put together in the vacant house she had been staying in during the winter.  She had made a few trips to gather the kettle, a couple of blankets, and her personal things but had left most of what had belonged with the house there.  She had sold a few items from the house for the food that winter but now had made enough trips that she felt it was safer to not take too many more.

She still had most of the generous coins from the pouch the man had given her when she had helped him get away from the constables. Those though, she hoped to save for when she could rent a flat.  She had that carefully hidden.  However, now, she needed a few things to make the shack more liveable.   She figured finding someone with some loose pockets might be needed.  She didn't like stealing, and only did it when she really felt she needed to, and the person looked to have more than the average person.  She wouldn't take from those that were struggling.

Wandering around, she was dusty, after helping put coal into the basement of one of the shops.  She had her scarf around her neck still from using it to cover her face to protect from the coal dust.  She was wearing brown trousers, a large deep navy jacket with a collar that was up around her neck rubbing the dark short hair, under that was a loose button-up shirt of blue, brown worn boots, and a floppy plaid hat over her head. 

She was not the only kid wandering around.  There were some playing some sort of ball game nearby and others were just sitting watching.  She had worked with some of them doing odd jobs around town, and running scams as well.  She nodded to several of them as she gazed around looking for a good choice.  She saw the man with the wagon and as he had bought a lot of things, she thought he likely was prosperous enough.  His clothing looked that way to her anyway.  She moved closer to get a better view of where he might have put his leftover coins or maybe a watch within her reach. 

She was good at this and was cautious.   She glanced around other people around him as well.  All it would take would be someone seeing her and she would be nicked.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Tobias had put his change in the pocket of his jacket. It was unbuttoned and easily accessible to a skilled hand. He himself wasn't paying much attention, staring out across the water and preoccupied with his own miseries.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

Catching the man putting his coins in his jacket pocket, Nat gave a last look around and decided to go for it.  With an easy walk over, all it would take was slipping her index finger and middle finger in a tweezer kind of motion without using her thumb as that would give a motion to the fabric much more noticeable.  She was just about to pull out the coins when a yell from behind her when one of the boys lost control of the ball and it hit a woman nearby.  The distraction right behind her, and the ball ended up right by her foot after hitting the woman behind her, caused her to jerk her hand and pull the jacket pocket.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Tobias already turned his head upon hearing the yell, and almost immediately felt the jerk. One hand closed around the wrist of the thief and the other pulled back and made a fist to punch this asshole who dared to rob him. After being mugged in this town before, he wasn't going to let anyone try anything again.

But upon seeing that it was only a boy, the intended punch was exchanged for a milder cuff on the ear. "Don't even think about it, lad!" he shouted, his fingers still wrapped around the boy's wrist so he couldn't run.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

She held her other hand across her body to her ear longer than she really needed to for the surprising pain of the hit.  She had to keep the act of a kid.  She lowered her head down with a whimper of pain.  She glanced around without moving her head, looking at the options to run and escape.  Though his hold was fairly secure on the wrist that had been closest to his pocket. 

"I didn't do nothing, mister.  I just bumped into you."  She struggled with his hold.  Her voice was more of an alto tone, not different than any kid around.  One of the kids had just come by to get the ball that had ended up near Nat's foot.  The boy knew Nat, and she had hung out around with him from time to time.  He gave a motion of the guy letting her know that he would keep an eye on what happened in case she needed help later.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

"Aye and yer hand just accidentally slipped into me pocket," Tobias snapped in an impatient tone. "Don't lie to me, kid, or ye'll be in more trouble." He ignored the other kid and the gesture, focusing on this one and trying to estimate his age. Twelve? Thirteen? Couldn't be older than that, judging from the voice and the delicate face, which meant that this was a case for the parents, rather than the police, if Tobias could help it. "What do ye think yer parents will say when they hear ye're stealin', eh? Or did they put ye up to it?" Which would mean it was a case for the police after all.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

"Their dead, sir."  She kept her eyes down with the edge of her floppy hat shadowing her forehead and eyebrows.  Her tone was that of sadness, which was real enough but she had learned how to use that sadness to help her survive as well.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

That made Tobias frown. "Guardian then," he said in a milder tone.

170 Posts
4 Threads

Age: 19
Occupation: Trading, taking apart things, and pickpocket
Plotter: https://bywitandwhitby.rpginitiative.com...hp?tid=454
Height: 5'1"
Registered: Apr 2021

"If I had a guardian angel, I would not have gotten nipped."  She muttered, purposely misunderstanding the man's question.

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