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[Complete] Where the Wild Thyme Blows [Market, Shops and Spas]
Senior Member

253 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 21
Occupation: Bookstore Owner
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Aug 2019

Christine noticed the woman seemed nervous of Archimedes. "Oh? Are you not a fan of cats?" She pet her bundle of fluff and held him up high on the air and he climbed up onto a book shelf where he could look over his domain safely.

When she slapped away a few small cat hairs on her hands she looked to the woman and smiled brightly. "Oh it is a good book for everyone I think! I am sure you will all enjoy it, and if not I will let you return it no questions asked." She was being extra kind, perhaps because the woman seemed genuinely nice and trying for her family and while Christine couldn't understand, she wanted to.

She shrugged, "Few women are as lucky as I am so I want to live it up." She didn't mention for as long as she could because she had no intention of stopping.

The brunette perked up at the word progressive and her eyes shifted towards the woman looking her up and down as if deciding something. "I have just the book... for you. But it is our little secret." She walked to another aisle and returned with a book she placed in her hand. "Ruth Hall. I hope you find it right up your alley.. if you haven't already read it?" Based on how she described their collection, she doubted it.

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RE: Where the Wild Thyme Blows - by Christine Pennyfeather - 07-02-2022, 07:22 PM

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