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[Complete] [CW] Men Plow the Fields and... [Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations]

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

[Cw: probably lots of misogyny if his sister comes up in conversation]

Pony had been out during the day, dumping his old medicines in the forest. Now, it was just him , Jenny, and his wagon.  He had the entire horizon before him to do what he wanted since he had no one relying on him and he had no idea what he wanted to do with himself.

So he was in the pub...again... drinking. It wasn't a daily thing but he has been aimless and trying to find some sort of direction. He had a plan once but it was ruined. 

Immediately, the Irishman scowled and downed his drink. He rest his forehead in his hand dragging his fingers through that garish red hair as his eyes bore holes through the bar. 

It was better this way.  Only person he could ever depend on was himself and he'd learned that back as a teenager. Women and doctors were the devil's work he'd begun to think. His eyes squinted as he tried to think how happy he would be if he cut out women in his life completely. He shook his head and put down the empty cup. It would be the first of many that night he was certain.

"Another please. I'm gonna see if your stuff's strong enough to leave me blind. " He grinned slightly as he waited for another.

80 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Occupation: Bar Maid
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Feb 2022

She was a fresh hire to the particular pub that the redheaded Irishman entered at some point. Virginia gave the man a look as she overheard his words, and she almost rolled her eyes, but she caught her employer looking her way for a moment and he nodded toward the almost full tray ready to go to a rambunctious lot in the north-west corner. She took hold of the tray and passed behind the man in question, the subtle scent of lilac drifting into the nostrils of the imbiber if he was so inclined to even notice.

The girl moved to the table she had to serve, the tray heavy in her hand and on her shoulder. Smoke curled upward toward the raftors from several forms of smoking: cigars, pipes, etc. The acrid scent mingled with that of sweat and the underlying smell of vomit. Ugh, why did she have to work as a bar maid? She should thank her lucky stars she even had a job, but she could have had the same smells slap at her if she was a laundress.

She served the men their beers or ales, and once the tray was empty, she had to laugh and dance away from reaching hands, "Oh no no, I have work to do," she cooed.

When she turned her back on the men to go collect dirty glasses from the bar top, she slipped behind it and started to do what she was being paid to do. Every once in a while, her dark eyes would lift to Pony. He wasn't a bad looking man, but he looked like trouble. And curiosity was her downfall.

"What's yer story?" she asked as she reached over to take his dirty dish and set it on the tray. The bartender placed the replacement in front of him and said, "Oi, clean the bar while ye're back here, and then get all the tankards and tumblers from around the room. Oi'll be right back. Get the man another drink if he asks."

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony gave the men a disapproving look but shrugged it off. When he received a second full tankard he smiled huge and gave her a nod. "You're an angel, thanks, love." He took a small drink then glanced up at her when she asked the question. His smile faded and he looks away.

"The most common problem in the world I think, women." Yes, he was clearly speaking to a woman but so what? He had no reason to lie. If he insulted her enough she wouldn't serve him any more, and there were other places to drink. He wouldn't raise a fuss as it wasn't worth the arguing and she had a right to her opinion over a stranger's.

"They don't know loyalty or how to consider the feelings of the ones closest to them who put their lives and futures on the line to bring them happiness. Just .. " He remembered hearing about Pearl getting married or already was married? He wasn't clear but it was a slap to the face. He wasn't gone that long. Women. His slight smile deepened.

"Let me ask you an honest question. Why is it women these days can't wait til marriage any more? Or why must they marry so quick. It doesn't feel that long ago that they'd meet a man and would court and meet their families and within a couple of months or so they would marry. I mean days or weeks isn't even enough to get to know someone well enough to want to spend your life with them." He scratched his cheek idly. "Of course they could all be expectin.. wouldn't surprise me." He narrowed his eyes at nothing in particular and took another drink.

80 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Occupation: Bar Maid
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Feb 2022

Instant regret in asking him that question. It took all of her willpower not to send a resounding slap to the man's cheek. She schooled her features into a neutral expression and then cleared her throat, not wanting to risk her job by doing anything stupid. She had her gran to worry about. "And why do you care so much?" she blurted out even so, and decided to stick with it. Virginia Rose planted a hand on her hip. "If it doesn't affect you directly, then why let it bother you?"

There, she thought proudly... she could have swatted the man, could have yelled at him or spit in his drink, which she did not, but she had calmly reversed it back to him, he who seemed to be so arrogant as to think he could judge a person for their choice to love in a short period of time.

Was love even a choice?

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony could get the feeling she was angry. He wasn't surprised, since he said their shame out loud. "It's just a question. But if you must know, the closest family member in my life was female and I tried to give her advice so she wouldn't get hurt. She never listened and she just spiraled into worse decisions. It's only been pure luck she's not found herself on the street with her children." OF course had her first husband been the bastard he was still convinced he was, he would have taken care of her at the time. He scowled more as he slowly drank.

"The other was a girl I liked, and I was gone from town for two months and she's married. Or.. getting married." He idly waved his hand. "Women should be careful around men because men can be monsters. But also I always thought of them as decent people, but even I would wait more than a couple of months before moving on if I liked someone to see if they'd return. Hell, if I had been married and she died I'd be wearing black for years." He glared at her. "But that is old fashion, isn't it? Don't even wait for someone to be in the ground or a mile out of town before forgetting them and moving on? I have a right to be bitter about it if I want to be. I don't like it."

80 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Occupation: Bar Maid
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Feb 2022

"What if you don't know the whole story? What if you only go by what you think you see?" she countered. "You don't have the right to dictate what's on peoples' hearts. It's not up to you to decide whether someone falls in love in a day or in a year." She firmly started placing more cups on the tray for cleaning. Her voice was matter of fact, slightly firm, but not angry as she spoke to him. "You can hate it all you want, but it means nothing. They will continue to live their lives and you will continue to be a bitter man. Is that what you want? To be bitter all the time?"

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony frowned at the bar maid and gripped his glass. "What other side of the story matters? What reason is there to rush a wedding other than to not be shamed by the neighbor hood by a child? I certainly believe in love at first sight. But if they can marry you in a day they can marry you in a year. Unless they are dying. That is the only time I'd say it is fine. " Of course the bastard did die and he couldn't be happier about that, but he was certain it was unexpected.

"My point is is it is easier to keep a lie going for a week than it is for a year. You can't really expect to know how happy you'll be with someone in such a short time, it is far better to wait. Unless they married for money, but I know for a fact both of them had it." He tapped the bar to emphasize his words.

He slumped back, trying to give the woman an evil eye. "I know I can't change their minds. I've washed my hands of both of them since they don't care how I feel so why should I be the one who has to bend to them? And I will be bitter as long as it takes until I feel better. The stronger the feelings, the longer this anger is going to linger. And I felt strongly about both of them. I wish I was more like you and them, and my heart were more shallow."

80 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Occupation: Bar Maid
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Feb 2022

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "You don't even know me, sir! How dare you?" And then when she saw looks directed her way, she rolled her eyes heavenward and turned her back to him. With a clatter of dishes, she was cleaning the bar and leaving him to his stewing. Bastard.

After several minutes, she had no choice but to return to behind the bar when the owner still had not returned. She poured a few drinks and doled them out and a fresh one was soon in front of Pony.

"Be bitter all you want. I don't care because I am sure after today, I won't see you again. Since we're on presumptions, how is this? You seem like you're a really arrogant ass who thinks his shit doesn't stink. There, I said it." She gave a sweet smile.

465 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 29
Occupation: Snakeoil Salesman
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

Pony narrowed his eyes at her reaction and simply shrugged when she stepped away. By the time she returned he'd almost finished his drink. He had really hoped the owner would have returned to take care of him.

When she yelled at him again, he blinked and sat up straight and pointed at her. "Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on. Your assumptions that I am the one in the wrong when the world is cruel to unwed mothers told me plenty. I never said a damned thing about myself other than my anger. And yes, I can certain speak shit about someone, woman or man, who doesn't hold a person in their heart for longer than a fortnight or rushes into an unpredictable wedding or even more dangerous bed. You want to call me a bad guy? I never would do such a thing and I have a right to my own opinions and ideals. And if I begged, literally begged, someone whom I watched out for and took care of for years to keep her from marrying an old pig, to not marry for a few months. To just slow down. Clearly my simple demands were too high and my opinion didn't matter. So yes. I feel betrayed and I am angry at how I've been treated. And.." he tapped the bar again," I will remind you. I didn't just say my woes for no reason. You asked! Now I want another drink if you think you can act professional for one more moment in your day. " He said sharply as he brought his glass down between them and stared at her.

80 Posts
3 Threads

Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20
Occupation: Bar Maid
Height: 5'3"
Registered: Feb 2022

"Yes, well, I regret asking. You insult me and wonder why I said what I said. For your information, I have more important matters in my life than looking for some... man to take care of me. And for further information, my mother and father married in a month's time. I don't see what the problem is. Fuck you right back, you jacknape." She bobbed her head as she spoke, not taking any of his shit. She glared right back.

"If this is how you talked to that girl you're drinking over, no wonder she left you behind for someone else. Nobody likes to be around oily snakes who hiss over things that need not be fussed over. You are crass and rude, and slithery." And the boss needed to hurry up and return so he could watch over the asshole.

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