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[Complete] Help Me Lock Away My Ill Gotten Gains [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Artistic Aristocrat

591 Posts
8 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 26
Occupation: Artist
Height: 5'11"
Registered: Jul 2019

It was so hard to keep track of the days when one bled into the other. He took slight notice of the changes by hearing the others move through the house as they kept their lives some how in order. Today was different, he'd been expecting it. Whether it was anxiety at seeing a familiar face for something he had no knowledge of but had to fake it or the excitement of what the success of this meeting could mean. He had no idea.

Darius had spent all day preparing for the visitor that would come later that day, and he had no idea what lawyers expected in these sorts of things. Or if it was any different if he was Jewish? He had tried to prepare because he thought if he pleased Zechariah, he wouldn't look at him like a fool.

After sending out a few servants to ask around he'd gotten a very nice bottle of wine that should be kosher and he had a small array of things on the table that should have been fine as well. He'd also bathed hours before the meeting and dressed well. Perhaps those in the family who were not in the know would think he had a date, and he was certain his mother had given him a look. He ignored them and made sure the study wouldn't be disturbed and he had all the paper work neatly stacked nearby as well as the notes he needed. When his guest was to arrive any moment, he made sure the servants would know where to send him. Darius chose the seat to be facing the entry to the room and practiced his pose for a few moments, hoping to look prepared and confident even though it felt like every nerve in his body was vibrating with anxiety.

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Help Me Lock Away My Ill Gotten Gains [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - by Darius Carrington - 02-07-2022, 03:50 PM

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