08-14-2019, 06:05 PM
Gabriel had a housekeeper. He did not technically need to go to the market. But he wanted to be out there, visible, even if he was technically not working. One didn’t stop being a priest, Gabriel believed, and he was determined to be available and find opportunities to meet people as much as possible.
He was certainly visible as a priest, with his long black cassock and black saturno hat. That Dracula story had to get started somewhere.
The smell of fish greeted him from quite a long way off. He had only been here a few weeks but he had already learned to bear it. Some people’s homes were full of it. Gabriel walked around between the different stalls, looking for people he might recognize from church with whom he might have a chat.
He was certainly visible as a priest, with his long black cassock and black saturno hat. That Dracula story had to get started somewhere.
The smell of fish greeted him from quite a long way off. He had only been here a few weeks but he had already learned to bear it. Some people’s homes were full of it. Gabriel walked around between the different stalls, looking for people he might recognize from church with whom he might have a chat.