01-01-2020, 10:16 PM
Anthony fidgeted with his hands for a little bit, before putting them back in his pockets. When he had decided to take a walk he had certainly not expected this to happen, whatever this is. And the awkward silence that seemed as if it lasted for hours certainly didn't help him at all. "I'm Anthony." He glanced at the woman for a moment, flashing a brief smile in an effort to make this less awkward, but it seems that there's no changing that.
"No need to apologize....for....that," he said, hoping it to be in a reassuring way, but it almost certainly did not come out like that. "I was the one who asked, was I not?"
"No need to apologize....for....that," he said, hoping it to be in a reassuring way, but it almost certainly did not come out like that. "I was the one who asked, was I not?"