06-08-2022, 12:16 AM
“O tha mi faicinn. Tha èideadh a’ ciallachadh nach eil cogais agad ceart? Faigh a-mach an fhuil agus am pian a bheir thu do dhaoine eile aon uair ‘s gu bheil an latha deiseil” She said simply to the Scotsman before switching her eyes to the wide eyed bloke who was gripping the baton. “You speak of civility and yet you are the first to brandish a weapon” she said calmly gesturing with a opened hand to show she had no weapon of her own. Then she made a show to the men that her other hand also held no weapon who to her were acting like scared little boys. “Now I am prepared to stay here and knit all the damned day until I get some questions answered about why woman cannot vote” She turned head head to look at some of them woman “would any woman who’d like to vote like to start a sewing circle or knitting circle? I think the front of chairman’s house would be a good location?” She suggested loudly grinning
Translation: Oh I see. A uniform means you have no conscience right? Get to wipe the blood and pain you cause to others once the day is done
Translation: Oh I see. A uniform means you have no conscience right? Get to wipe the blood and pain you cause to others once the day is done