05-16-2021, 09:00 PM
The farmer looked uncomfortable with the sudden display of emotion. He frowned and bit his lip, and seemed to consider several things in his mind. He looked grateful when she managed to recover. He nodded. "Other than the care of my daughter, you are free to do as you like, as long as you don't take the bairn outside while she's still gaining her strength."
He stopped for a moment, for Jenny entered with a tray with two cups of tea, milk, sugar, and a piece of cake. She set one cup and the cake in front of Iris, and handed Tobias the other. "There ye go, ma'm. I'll take yer bag upstairs now, if ye don't mind." and provided Iris did not resist, she took the bag.
"Please check on Mrs. Appleton and see if there is anything she needs," Tobias asked. The girl nodded and went upstairs.
Mr. Appleton turned back to Iris: "If I can get you anything to make your stay more comfortable, books, or anything, please let me know. There's several on the shelves over there. Feel free to borrow them. You may take your meals down here with me, and perhaps with Mrs. Appleton once she feels better..." A shadow moved over his face. "If you feel hungry in between meals, you need merely ask Jenny and she'll bring you something."
He stopped for a moment, for Jenny entered with a tray with two cups of tea, milk, sugar, and a piece of cake. She set one cup and the cake in front of Iris, and handed Tobias the other. "There ye go, ma'm. I'll take yer bag upstairs now, if ye don't mind." and provided Iris did not resist, she took the bag.
"Please check on Mrs. Appleton and see if there is anything she needs," Tobias asked. The girl nodded and went upstairs.
Mr. Appleton turned back to Iris: "If I can get you anything to make your stay more comfortable, books, or anything, please let me know. There's several on the shelves over there. Feel free to borrow them. You may take your meals down here with me, and perhaps with Mrs. Appleton once she feels better..." A shadow moved over his face. "If you feel hungry in between meals, you need merely ask Jenny and she'll bring you something."