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[Complete] Work-Shy Kid Looking for Work [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Belligerent teenager

603 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17
Height: 5'9''
Registered: Feb 2020

Noah looked around, very impressed. He could do a little bit of carpenting because his father owned a repair shop, but they wouldn't even be able to do a poor rip off of this. "In t' house?" he asked, surprised, when the man led him into his room. Then when the light was switched on, his jaw dropped and he stared up at the lamp as if he had never seen light before. He had his own room with electric lighting! Was this a dream? He followed Uriel around the house. "It's very impressive, ser," he said.

The only disappointing thing was that he had assumed he would sleep in the barn and could sneak James in. He'd need to find a solution for that.

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RE: Work-Shy Kid Looking for Work - by Noah Longbottom - 03-25-2021, 05:39 PM

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