02-07-2021, 01:26 AM
He wore his irritation on his sleeve, but that didn't bother Vigga at all. Tristan wasn't the first to get annoyed by her and certainly wouldn't be the last. The young woman was a bit surprised that he followed her toward the tracks. She clicked her tongue at him when he gave up so easily.
"How can ye see anyting from up here?" Without a care in the world, or seeming to notice that another train was coming down the line in just a few moments, Vigdis jumped down onto the line. "Ye gotta get down here to find the good stuff. In only a moment, she found a farthing. Giggling at her luck, she plucked it up and tossed it to him. "See! Prolly one of yer other lost coins, huh? Ye sure ye counted right?" She turned her attention back to the tracks and started walking down them. Vigga wasn't the idiot that she was portraying herself to be. She walked specifically on the track themselves to feel the vibration. The young woman had played chicken with the trains before. She had a plan.
"How can ye see anyting from up here?" Without a care in the world, or seeming to notice that another train was coming down the line in just a few moments, Vigdis jumped down onto the line. "Ye gotta get down here to find the good stuff. In only a moment, she found a farthing. Giggling at her luck, she plucked it up and tossed it to him. "See! Prolly one of yer other lost coins, huh? Ye sure ye counted right?" She turned her attention back to the tracks and started walking down them. Vigga wasn't the idiot that she was portraying herself to be. She walked specifically on the track themselves to feel the vibration. The young woman had played chicken with the trains before. She had a plan.
"There are few things as dangerous as curiosity, for it is never satiated and curious people are always coming up with more questions to ask."