06-16-2020, 06:01 PM
Darius nodded as he led her to sit in a chair by the window so that the sunlight would hit her. He dug around to put up some peacock feathers he had gathered and put down a little silk for a part of a backdrop. "Now where is it.' He muttered to himself as he checked a wardrobe and a chest before realizing she spoke to him. "What? Well yes. I am happy that you model for me alone, that makes me greedy and selfish a little. Does that upset you?" He tilted his head but went back to digging until he pulled out a huge fur perhaps from a bear. "Here we go." He looked at it on the chair and pulled it aside. He was about to ask for her help but knew he couldn't risk straining his model. He huffed as he used his power to push a heavy but elegant looking love seat by the window. He flung the fur over it and then put down his easel and looked at the view. "I think that will do.. what would you like to wear for it?" He looked at her with a smile. "I am thinking exotic hunting princess."