06-16-2020, 05:12 PM
Elijah looked down as his mood didn't lift. "You're very kind, Ben, but.. I can't help but question myself. I just want to help people, it's all I've ever wanted, but I find myself sensitive to how people speak of me. It doesn't help that the few times I've made friends outside of you, things have gone sour. One person I want to help and save but I'm feeling used and he has yelled at me and acted like I do nothing but cause misery to him, it makes me think I'm just.. being used though I don't want to think that." He closed his eyes and sighed. "I was on good terms with the priest but... "He didn't want to reveal anything even accidentally. " I am certain my depending on him as someone to talk to has hurt his presence and helped cause the reason for his leaving. It just makes me wish.. I could completely turn off my heart and not care about anyone. I hate being alone and not having many friends, and I wish I didn't care, but.. It becomes clear more and more that I am a fool to think I deserve otherwise." He covered his face feeling like he'd start crying again.