06-13-2020, 07:42 PM
Persephone peeked through the window inset in the door of the parlor. She'd discovered years ago she could watch the happenings within while going unseen, and so she utilized this now. To her pleasant surprise, when Tennison noticed this, he deliberately turned a blind eye. She watched as her father took a long, thoughtful drag on the cigar in his hand. It was true, Donald was an older man, but there was still so much light and youth in him that Persephone believed her father could see past his age. Here came the questions, she assumed, and she was correct: "What is your profession? What do you mean by 'the best life you possibly can'? Have you discussed having children with my daughter? Would you be willing to host her sister Harriet for visits each month? What was her reaction when you asked her to marry you? How did you meet Persephone?" Wentworth Blythe squinted his eyes and Persephone crossed her fingers, knowing this meant Donald would have to answer this next question carefully: "Do you encourage my daughter's architect dreams? Why or why not?"