05-30-2020, 12:31 AM
Persephone was both endeared and amused by Donald's clear spring in his step. Had she really made him this happy? She liked to think she had. As they left the house, she slung the strap of her messenger back over her neck, then took his arm when he offered it. "I do appreciate you asking me to come with you, Donald," she said truthfully, "I am quite looking forward to seeing my sister, and seeing my parents happy with me." The 'for once' there was implied but unspoken, as Persephone didn't want to spoil the mood. As they started down the road, she noted with satisfaction that she'd packed her bag just right so the pressure of its weight spread out evenly across her hip, upper leg, and opposite shoulder. The mind of an architect was good for many other things, she mused to herself with a soft smile. Glancing at her fiance, she felt her smile grow as he walked with her to the train station. Today was going to be a good day.