05-29-2020, 08:53 PM
"Well then, Anthony-" She felt like they'd found a good common ground to build a friendship upon from this drunken conversation, and she grinned as she said his name. "-I would be honored to go bitchcombing-" She hiccupped a laugh at her mistake and couldn't stop giggling for a solid minute, but when she regained her breath, she went on, "-to go beachcombing with you sometime." She gave a little half-bow from her seated position and her hat fell off her head, nearly knocking over Anthony's drink. "Once," she mentioned, picking it back up and putting back on her head, too drunk to notice the top was flattened now and she was wearing it backward, "I found a gold monocle, with the glass in it and everything! Sold for a pretty penny, too, gave me enough for a week's worth of meals."