05-28-2020, 02:21 AM
Persephone smiled softly at the caring doctor's words. Even she knew blisters hurt and were bad for anyone's feet, but she still appreciated the sentiment. "I most certainly will," she replied affirmatively and led the way down the streets to her relatively-new home, finally recognizing the way. One of the few things she liked about Whitby so far (excluding Dr. Witaker, for his new presence in her life was another pleasant matter entirely) was the structure of this modest home. From the designs on the porch to the integrity of the basement posts to the gorgeous veranda out back, Persephone thanked her parents for only one thing: that they'd allowed her to pick which house-for-sale she'd wanted. That said, this was the same house they expected her to settle down in, and although Whitby was an unfamiliar place, Persephone found herself at this moment starting to not hate the idea of staying here indefinitely.