05-25-2020, 09:01 PM
She nodded to Fred when he spoke of it being delicious. Then she turned in surprise to Clover who stopped short of hugging her, it seemed, and she glanced over to Fred as if to ask for permission. Assuming he granted it, Karen would give the boy a hug and then pat his shoulder affectionately. She liked Clover quite a bit, he seemed to be a good child and devoted to his father in a way she had never seen. There was a bond between father and son that couldn't be shaken, and she admired that about the two of them. "I like hugs," she said to Clover then as she pulled away from him. She looked up to Fred right after she said that, and still speaking to Clover, she said, "They make me smile." Her lips pulled upward in a soft smile and she straightened her form.