05-24-2020, 01:46 PM
Clover piped up before his father could reply with a cheerful, "Yes please, Miss Calloway!" He mispronounced her name as 'call-oh-wee', and when Frederic muttered a correction to him, he added, still beaming up at her, "I mean, Miss Calloway!" He looked around the room and moved a little closer to the fireplace- it was a cold day outside, and he appreciated the warmth. He watched as Frederic smiled at Miss Calloway and thanked her for her generosity and hospitality, brainstorming ideas to get them to fall in love, as he always was when it came to his father and women. But Miss Calloway seemed different than the other women Clover had tried to get to court his father, and so he didn't want to mess this up like he pretty much always had before. What to do, what to do? He'd really have to think on this.