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[Complete] [CW] You'll cringe [Harbor, Beach, and Sea]
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Tobias firmly led Ben back inside. He turned to Benny. "You could also just turn the other cheek. You yourself have been incredibly rude to Alice and its time you leave." He didn't wait to see what Benny did, but closed the door.
Senior Member

497 Posts
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Pronouns: He Him
Age: 24
Occupation: Pirate
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Benny shrugged. "Turning the other cheek? That's good if you think society will punish someone instead. I am not this way to most people. I can be completely kind and delightful. I will be rude any time I want to because she hasn't truly apologized. So I'll be there when she falls from her high horse." He called out through the door. He shook his head and turned to walk off since he'd certainly made his point.
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

Half an hour later, Tobias and Alice were out again. Alice was showing him the market this time. At least Benny had given them something to talk about, and the talking was a little bit easier now. They were talking about family now.
"My mother died when I was eleven too." Alice told him, after he had told the girl that his mother had died when he was that age. "During the flu epidemic..."

188 Posts
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Pronouns: He Him
Age: 13
Occupation: Street Urchin
Height: 4'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

The boy had been walking along, telling a joke to one of the other kids that tended to avoid home like him. He snickered, finding himself hilarious when he noticed the two walking down the street. He frowned immediately and when the other boy nudged him to find out what was wrong, he sneered. "Wards.." While Bram could be almost fun sometimes, the kid was also bratty and acted superior to the older kid.

He didn't know who the big guy was, but Ed knew exactly who the girl was. He'd heard rumors too. Wasting no time, he strolled up to them and held out his hand. "'Ey! Gimme two bobs. Bram took it from me. So pay me back or I'll get back at 'im." He was lying but he certainly believed there was no way they'd no what he was up to when he was at school. Besides, the family was weird to him, so he believed his brilliant plan would work.
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
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Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

"I'm sorry to hear that." Tobias said, but just then they were interrupted once more.

Alice looked at the boy, irritated. "Then tell Bram to give it back to ye," she said.

188 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 13
Occupation: Street Urchin
Height: 4'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Ed gave her a glare like she was being stupid. "I did. 'E spent it already! So's why I'm goin' aft'r ya!" He glanced to Tobias than back. "'E looks like 'e got the shill'ns. Tell 'im ta and ye can pay me back. Or are ye goin' ta encour'ge thiev'ry? Hm?" He held out his hand again. He was holding back the real insults for the moment.
Farmer's wife

290 Posts
10 Threads

Age: 17 (27 April 1878)
Registered: Sep 2019

"Get lost, Ed. My brother is no thief! Not so sure about you, however!"

Tobias' eyebrows had travelled a long way up his forehead. What was it with this town? Or did the Wards just attract the wrong type of people? That gave him pause. Would they come after him too if he married Alice?

188 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 13
Occupation: Street Urchin
Height: 4'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Ed frowned and clenched his fists. "You callin' me a liar?!" He was. "I know what 'appened. 'E stole it and used it on pastries. 'E saw I 'ad money cause I was showin' it off and then stole it. If'n ya don' pay me, I'll take it out on 'im." He punched his fist into his open palm. "'Is only right thing ta do.'
Senior Member

744 Posts
16 Threads

Age: 31 (5 October 1863)
Occupation: Farmer
Registered: Feb 2020

"Alright, that's enough." Tobias suddenly intervened. He took the two shillings out of his pocket and handed it to the kid. He knew the kid was probably lying, but he really didn't want to watch or be dragged into another fight. "But don't you go hurtin' people."

188 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 13
Occupation: Street Urchin
Height: 4'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Ed was clearly surprised he had the money. He grinned huge and stuffed it into his jacket. "Some one b'lieves in justice. God bless ya , sir." He grinned up at Tobias and looked at Alice as if pitying her and shook his head. Tsking before he spun on his feet to go play with his friends and spend the money before it could be taken by someone else.

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