09-07-2019, 07:47 PM
Had Elijah been more like Hurley or even Zech, Simon would not have doubted what he was doing. Hurley was always very clear about what he wanted from Simon. And even Zech's eyes had betrayed his intent the first time they met. And Simon relished it. Even while his encounters with Hurley made him feel gross, there was a need fulfilled, if only temporarily. But despite what Elijah had confessed, he did not respond to Simon's invitations and seemed confused more than anything, and that continuously brought Simon back to his senses. He couldn't do this to Zech. But at the same time, what did one more time matter? Elijah was their family friend. But when he thought of Elijah going to bed and leaving Simon here, alone, he didn't care about that. "I didn't say that..." he said, looking away from Elijah again.