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[Complete] [CW] Left with Just Stardust [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty should have asked Uriel to accompany her,but she hated to worry him. He had work to do and was so busy as it was. A simple walk to the doctor's and back should have been easy but she was never fantastic with direction. Having wandered off the correct path, she'd found herself closer to shore and cursed quietly. Now, she was happy she had her cane with her as her back was killing her something fierce. 

It seemed like a pretty quiet community and as an outsider, she was happy to get out of there as quickly as possible. She found a place to sit and winced as she managed to lower herself with a hand on her back then leaned forward and rest it on her heavy belly. She closed her eyes and tried to relax for a moment. She took off her ten gallon hat to fan her face for a moment as she hated these pregnant hot flashes before realizing someone was there. Immediately, her hate was placed back on her head and she rose her brow. 

"Can I help  ya, or are ya just gotta stand there starin?"
Senior Member

640 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 16 (4 November 1879)
Occupation: Fisherman's daughter
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Sep 2019

Anne hated laundry day usually, but she hated it even more now that Alice was gone. Her body was sore from heaving heavy wet clothes all by herself, and hands burned from endless rubbing and putting them in hot water, only to expose them to the cold air the next moment. Right now, she was heaving a bucket back into the house, when she spotted a woman she didn't know, and who didn't look like she belonged here. Anne stopped and stared, and soon noticed that she was pregnant, and far along too. She started when the woman suddenly addressed her, and accidentally spilled some water. She would have blushed if she wasn't already a kind of blotted red and pink from the exercise. "Are you alright, ma'm?"
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty was confused that the girl seemed startled by her addressing her. She laughed and waved her off. "I'll be fine. My back just actin up somethin fierce. Carryin an extra body around ain't helpin it none. But I'll be just fine, I need a breather is all. Are you okay? You look like you need a helpin hand yerself." She would help but once she got on her knees it would take her an eternity to get back up. "Though if you have a few minutes, I wouldn' mind bein told which way back to town. I seem to have made a wrong turn and I'm a bit lost."
Senior Member

640 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 16 (4 November 1879)
Occupation: Fisherman's daughter
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Sep 2019

"Oh..." Anne looked down at the bucket. "It's just laundry day." She pulled a face, and believed that said enough. She was certain there wasn't a single woman in the world who enjoyed doing laundry. Anne put the bucket down and walked over. When she was close enough to see from the woman's perspective, she pointed. "See that alley. The main road's back through there." She then continued to describe how to get to the main roads. "Anywhere specific ye need to be, ma'm?"
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty smiled as she nodded along with the girl's look, clearly agreeing. When Anne approached and showed the way, she turned her head to see. "Ah, thank you kindly for helpin out a stranger!" She was about to get up when the girl asked and she shrugged. "I actually want ta go home, but I don't think you'd.." She looked back at her. She looked young enough. "You a student? You might know him, Uriel Meijer? I live with him, so if'n you know his address that'd help me mighty fine. If not..' She groaned a little as she got to her feet, leaning on her cane and put a hand on her lower back. "I can make my way back once I see somethin I recognize.' She held out a hand to her to shake before leaving. "I'm Kitty, nice ta meet ya."
Senior Member

640 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 16 (4 November 1879)
Occupation: Fisherman's daughter
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Sep 2019

"My brother is in his class!" Anne said, quite excited. Father spoke highly of him, and father hated teachers usually, and Anne had had good things about him. "How about ye come in for a cup of tea, Mrs. Meijer." Mrs.? Wait, she had also heard that rumour. She pressed her lips together.
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

Kitty didn't seem to have the know how to be embarrassed as she laughed. "No, Not Mrs. Meijer. Not yet anyway, we are workin towards that but its ah.. complicated. I will have a cup of tea if yer offerin though. It would help me relax a little before I walk back. " The girl hadn't given her name in return so she decided to drop the issue.
Senior Member

640 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 16 (4 November 1879)
Occupation: Fisherman's daughter
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Sep 2019

"It's just up those steps." Anne pointed. "D'ye need help gettin' up there, Ma- Mi.... Miss Kitty?" Was that appropriate?
Retired Cowgirl

290 Posts
5 Threads

Pronouns: She Her
Age: 31
Occupation: Hopeful Nun
Height: 5'4"
Registered: Jul 2019

"Oh my no. Yer quite fine, I just need an extra minute to do it. I'm a bit slow right now." She laughed slightly embarrassed as she took her time walking up the steps. "Yer very kind though, I appreciate it. It's nice ta meet someone kind in this town."
Senior Member

640 Posts
22 Threads

Age: 16 (4 November 1879)
Occupation: Fisherman's daughter
Height: 5'1''
Registered: Sep 2019

Anne moved ahead of her and picked up the bucket before entering the cottage. "Oh surely there's plenty of kind people here, miss!" she said. The cottage was extremely damp with water boiling in the kitchen range, and a large tub steaming, and clothes drying, suspended from a line just below the ceiling. "Sorry for t' mess."

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