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[Complete] [CW] By Gins, By Snares, By Subtlety [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
False Idol

895 Posts
20 Threads
Registered: Jan 2022

Still so unsure of himself. Malachi caught that uncertain gaze when it lifted enough to reveal itself, and gave a reassuring smile in exchange. It was still small, as most of his smiles tended to be, but less so from hesitance and more from the weight of emotion this lovelorn constable had thrust upon him. Shaky, even, as if Crane's struggle had moved even him near to tears.

None collected at the corners of his eyes nor spilled over the pale curve of his face, but he could feel them threaten all the same.

"Yes," confirmed Malachi. "That is exactly right. Whoever they are... they will love the things you view as flaws in yourself. And you will love theirs."

That much was already evident, considering Crane's unhealthy admiration for Father Richards' sense of self-discipline and denial. That was something Malachi surely found fault in, yet the constable revered him for it.

Crane's free hand came to cover his own, and Malachi prepared to move away, expecting his touch to be pushed off. When it wasn't, he raised a brow instinctively. Encased in both of Crane's, his hand was lifted to the other's forehead instead, and after a moment's surprise, Malachi smiled again.

"I am not just being kind, Elijah. I'm telling you the truth."

As nice was it was to hear that somebody wanted him to stay in Whitby, he could not claim kindness as his motivating factor, at least not solely. Curiosity played a big part in it too, but most of all, he just wanted to see the issue resolved. Malachi lifted his free hand to give Crane's knee a gentle pat.

"My apologies for disturbing dinner," he said with a small laugh, quiet and light-hearted.

"I just want you to know that you are far from alone. I have faith in you."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah nodded slightly at his words. It was as he thought, even though he was certain he was too flawed to ever find love but the words touched him and revived some hope. The question whether whoever loved him was the kind of person he would love wasn't questioned for the moment.

He shook his head at the words and cracked a crooked smile. "Your truth is given to me in kindness that I truly appreciate and feel graced that you made the time for me."

The apology for dinner had the constable laugh weakly and he released the man's hand to wipe his eyes once more though they were mostly remnants from before.

"Never apologize for... such a thing. I am happy to give you more if you wish. You've given me something so much more."

Elijah nodded to the man and sat up as he slowly stood up. "Thank you. I've felt myself alone all my life in this way.. only recently I've learned and hearing your encouragement has given me such a gift I can never return."
False Idol

895 Posts
20 Threads
Registered: Jan 2022

As Crane gradually rose from his seat, Malachi did the same from where he knelt on the floor. He straightened up and knocked a bit of dust from his cassock, then took a few steps away, back towards his own side of the table.

"Gifts are given freely, constable," he insisted with a smile. "It is rude to return them."

With a glance down to his bowl, Malachi considered it for a moment before turning his gaze back to Crane.

"And it's quite alright. I should be getting back to the church before it gets too late -- wouldn't want to run into any of those criminals you mentioned," it was a joke, but was it really?

He'd take the rings off just in case. Malachi pushed in his chair, and asked, "are you sure you're alright?"

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah smiled softly and nodded but then shrugged helplessly, "If a gift seems to grand, it is natural to want to repay for it in some way though. I hope you never need my assistance in anything, father, but if you do... do not hesitate to ask." It was indeed, the least he could do. Delivering a basket of hot cross buns wasn't a proper enough gift for all the man did for him that day.

The constable nodded, but looked a little concerned. "Why don't you let me walk you there. I will feel better to make sure you get back safely. Don't worry, I won't get in so he won't see me.." He said though there was still sadness in his heart to even think of it, but he truly would take his advice and press forward and hope to leave the beautiful, caring priest behind.

He looked towards Father Brennan at the question and he didn't have a real answer. "For the moment, I feel better. I truly do, and I hope it is the beginning of a new chapter in my life where I will feel better and I will keep your words close to my heart. In practice, I know it is so easy to fall back into step the way I've always been. But I will be positive and hopeful."
False Idol

895 Posts
20 Threads
Registered: Jan 2022

Malachi certainly hoped that he'd never find himself in need of Crane's assistance either. That would be far too close for comfort.

His preference was for handling matters himself, no matter their legality. Still, he nodded his acknowledgement.

"Oh, don't worry about me," insisted Malachi. "I do not wish to tear you away from your home at this hour, you work enough."

It was rare that he went straight back to the presbytery, as well, and if the constable walked him home... well, he would have to wait until he'd left to head back out for the night. He wanted to go down by the water, for a while, while the weather was warm.

Malachi slipped his hands into his pockets. Worked the rings off of his fingers, leaving them bare. He gave another small smile at Crane's response, pleased with his efforts.

"All I ask is that you try. It will not always come easily, but that is why there are people like me to support you."

3,154 Posts
26 Threads

Pronouns: He Him
Age: 30
Occupation: Constable
Height: 5'10"
Registered: Jul 2019

Elijah nodded and understood if he wanted to go home alone. "Please just be careful and avoid the dark alleys." It wasn't much but he had to try to keep the priest safe. He walked him to the door so he could go out. He glanced out to see if he saw his feline companion anywhere but she was probably off looking for a tom or getting mice instead. With a little shrug he looked back to the other man.

"I will try. I may come to you again for guidance, I am so very lucky to have such an .." He struggled to find the word. Less demanding? More open. "Understanding priest. I truly do mean that we are lucky to have you. I wish I had anything to offer. But I will offer my best wishes and that you are always welcome here." He nodded to him. " Please travel safely." He said to repeat his worry but watched the other with a weak smile. "You've helped ease some of my struggles, I think. I just will pray that this gives me strength, it's something I could really use."
False Idol

895 Posts
20 Threads
Registered: Jan 2022

Ha. As if there were fewer criminals walking the streets than there were waiting in dark alleys. Malachi ceded with another smile, though, content to let the constable consider him the type of man that stuck only to the well-lit path.

He followed to the door, and stepped out into the cooler night air with a quiet swish of black fabric. No sign of the cat from before -- maybe he would look for it, before the night was over.

"Of course, constable," said Malachi. "You are always welcome in the church, as well, and I am more than happy to speak with you elsewhere, whenever you need me."

It was good that Crane had already agreed to have mass at his house, privately, so that he would not have to see Father Richards unnecessarily. Malachi reached out to set a hand on Crane's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Have a nice night, Elijah. Peace be with you."

His hand withdrew, and he turned to leave.

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