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Mary Prior
Junior Member

5 Posts
1 Thread
Registered: 07-02-2022

Biography Account Information
Additional Info About Mary Prior
Age: 26
Occupation: Mother/Part-time clerk
Class: Working Class
Origins: Edinburgh
History: Originally from Scotland, Mary was the middle child in a family where her father had fought his way up from the shop floor of a rubber factory to be a junior supervisor. Often overlooked in favour of more fetching siblings, Mary was still dragged to parties to sit, observe, make pleasant conversation.

At one such party she was approached by a handsome young man in uniform who introduced himself as Angus and said that he was a fourth officer for the Holt shipping line. He told her wonderous tales of exotic ports and hung on her every question. Mary was smitten by his looks and the excitement that he promised. Angus even went so far to send her trinkets in the post from his distant ports of call.

He proposed marriage, she said yes, her family approving of the match. Shortly after wedding, Mary found she was pregnant with a daughter. With Angus away aboard ship, naturally she faced the prospect of giving birth alone, infrequently seeing her new husband. Shortly after her daughter's first birthday, Mary received tragic news in a telegram Angus had been lost at sea in an accident. When Mary wrote to the company to seek his remaining wages, they replied that no one by that name had been employed there in recent years.

Mary had been duped. The private scandal rocked her to her core. The shame of being an unwed mother with a bastard child. How would she continue? But continue she must, for the sake of her daughter. Through her father she obtained work as a part time records girl while using her family to share the burden of raising her daughter.

Mary Prior has come south to the seaside for her health to rest her lungs from the grey fog of Edinburgh. She has brought her now five-year-old daughter with her.
Alias: BlackAck

Last seen 06-14-2024, 10:54 PM.
Local time is 07-27-2024 at 02:44 AM.
Mary Prior has written 5 posts. (0.01 posts per day | 0.02 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts)
Mary Prior has made 1 threads. (0 threads per day | 0.1 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads)
Birthday: 07-18-1982 (42 years old)
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