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William Blacke

196 Posts
7 Threads
Registered: 02-20-2021

Biography Account Information
Additional Info About William Blacke
Age: 48
Occupation: Railway Fireman
Class: Working Class
Origins: North Shields
Relationships: Mrs. Blacke - Wife
Charles Blacke - Son (Deceased)
John Blacke - Son
Ruth Blacke - Daughter
Joseph Blacke - Son
Kate Blacke - Daughter
Height: 5'8''
History: William, or ‘Billy’ as his family and friends called him, was born in North Shields. He had one older brother, Samuel, one older sister, Jane, and later got a younger brother, Frank. There were two more children who died in infancy. His father was a dockworker. He was strict, but he meant to keep the children out of trouble in an environment where a lot of youths were lured into crime.

They weren’t rich, but they got by and were relatively comfortable, until, when Billy was six, his father got into an accident at work. This changed everything for the family. Unable to stand for long, having difficulties walking, and with one hand crushed, Billy’s father lost his job and was unable to find another one. His mother was able to find work, but was paid a great deal less. The children were put to work early. Tensions rose in the home, and Billy’s older brother started rebelling, no longer respecting his father’s authority. He got the wrong kind of friends, and after losing several jobs, he found crime to be more lucrative.

The brother started having a bad influence on Billy, and when Billy was eleven, he pressured him into joining the garrotting gang he was part of. Billy and his brother were arrested during Billy’s first attack however, and Billy was sentenced to several months hard labour and five years of reform school. His brother was also sentenced to a reform school, but managed to run away and Billy never heard of him again. His mother died while he was at the school.

When Billy returned home at last, just seventeen, the relationship with his father and siblings was strained. Unable to reintegrate into the family, he left home and found jobs in several places, before getting a job as railway fireman. This finally landed him in Whitby, where he settled down and got married.

They lived with his wife’s parents for several years, before moving to their own home. Their first-born, Charlie, died within the first year. This caused the first (visible) crack in their marriage. They were both affected by the death, but handled their grief very differently. William, unable to express his feelings, pushed them away and focused on the future. He couldn't provide the emotional presence his wife needed and this memory festered, and going through all this under his parents-in-law's roof also caused some tensions between William and his in-laws.

After this, they had four children: John, Ruth, Joseph, and Kate. John joined the army, something William greatly disapproves of. Ruth eloped and cut contact with her family, an even greater disappointment. William holds an even tighter reign on his youngest two now, determined that they shall make better choices. The stress about their children's antics has placed new strain on William's marriage.

William is a man of few words who doesn’t talk about his feelings easily. He just tries to do his job, support his family and be a good man. His conviction for a violent crime and the consequences it has had for him and his family have affected him deeply. He has told his wife about his past, but not his children, because he is too ashamed. He is determined to keep his head down and be a good man. He is strict and sometimes harsh on his children, but out of a desire that they should have a better life and make better choices. He cares for their wellbeing, and yet he has always found it difficult to build up a very personal relationship with them and can seem distant, finding it easier to criticize them and make demands of them, than to relate positively to them.
OOC Preferences: No limits in language. For violence, please discuss any maiming, torture, death, or harm to a child with me first. For sexual content, no rape (see rules as well!). I generally suck at NSFW threads.

Unless otherwise discussed, I will consider a thread dead/finished and move on if I haven’t had a reply in a month (a oneliner is A-ok. I just hate my plots stagnating and my character trapped in time). I’ll probably nudge you a week before or so, in case it fell off your radar.

If we are in a group thread, I would like everyone to have a chance to reply in turn. However, if I bombed your thread, don't wait for me if I'm not responding fast enough.

Attached Accounts

Last seen 07-08-2024, 08:11 PM.
Local time is 10-23-2024 at 09:07 PM.
William Blacke has written 196 posts. (0.15 posts per day | 0.59 percent of total posts) (Find All Posts)
William Blacke has made 7 threads. (0.01 threads per day | 0.71 percent of total threads) (Find All Threads)
Birthday: 06-11-1990 (34 years old)
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