By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Come Face the Music - Printable Version

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RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

"Ye may not." Ben said stubbornly.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah frowned. "Then I can not say what might cause you to do it again, you could be a repeat offender. That isn't good.'

RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

Ben cast his eyes up at the ceiling. Then he looked at Elijah. "You know bloody well what 'e did. Is that what you want, to put that in your report and arrest 'im as well? Yes I gave 'im a good trashing for it, and yes I'll do it again if I need to!"

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You have no proof. You didn't find any stolen goods or catch him red handed."

RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

"He confessed, Elijah..." Ben said in a tone graver than before, but also with less spite.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah frowned sharply. He was sure it was to avoid the real reason. He sighed heavily and hung his head. "Then why not bring him to me and have him tell me? You aren't a judge or a constable. You shouldn't take these things into your own hands.'

RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

That surprised him. "I'm 'is father! It's my job to protect 'im! It's my job to raise 'im into a good person! If anyone's responsible for 'im it's me!"

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah sighed. "Legally, once he is an adult he has his own responsibilities. And you aren't supposed to get physical with him. When you do, you are able to get in trouble with the law. I am sorry, I didn't write it but i have to uphold it."

RE: Come Face the Music - Benjamin Ward - 10-13-2019

Ben was quiet. "Fine. Next time I'll turn him in," he said. He wouldn't.

RE: Come Face the Music - Elijah Crane - 10-13-2019

Elijah sighed in relief. "That's good to hear." He wrote it down and some other notes. "Ok, I'll file these and release you.. for now. It will be investigated and I'll call you back when you're needed. Don't touch Simon during this time or it'll be bad."