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[Complete] Alarmed, or Concerned? [Streets, Yards, and Homes]
Blood-Shy Future Surgeon

78 Posts
4 Threads

Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 19
Occupation: Student
Registered: Jul 2019

Where oh where would Darius and even his … strong stomach hesitate to tread? There was Mother’s favored side of the house, if he wanted to hear about all the neighbors’ inadequacies (and in contrast, his own). There was Pearl’s recently vacated room, but … it was farther, and there was nothing unpleasant enough to deter dear Darius.

Olivia was probably only half-drowned in liquor so far, but even then he doubted Darius would want to risk hearing about her beloved fiance until no sooner than next meal.

This would technically be trespass were it not their childhood home. He felt positively naughty! Roderick slipped in and eased the door quietly closed behind himself, head turning forward to take in the unfamiliar room...

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Alarmed, or Concerned? [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - by Roderick Carrington - 12-02-2019, 07:57 AM

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