07-10-2019, 03:56 PM
Rose straightened her skirt and apron and moved her hand up to check no hairs had escaped her bun. Her auburn bangs were flying around freely in the sea wind and even her neater black Sunday dress was old and worn, but she tried to fix what she could before knocking on the pretentiously fancy front door. She probably looked terribly out of place here but Rose was desperate enough to try any crazy opportunity. When she had responded to the ad, she had not even expected a reply. She had been surprised that Mr. Meijer actually asked her to come over. Surprised but hopeful. It wasn’t easy for anyone from her family to get a position in Whitby and Rose had been sent away without references too. But if this gentleman had invited her, maybe that was a sign that some luck was ahead at last. Rose was determined to give the best impression she could. Her round face was flustered as she waited for someone to open the door.