By Wit & Whitby
The Secret Garden - Printable Version

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The Secret Garden - Pearl Blacke - 06-01-2024

Pearl had just spent time finding the time to make a safe haven for her young sister-in-law in the parlor of their house. She set up a lovely and whimsical tablescape with a soft but worn table linen, wildflowers arranged artfully among copious treats and sandwiches, a fancy tea set with a few chips from hurried moving was set about, a frayed piece of cloth left from the things she had sold in order to start her new life.

She now dressed more like her new family, keeping a few of the older gowns for working, a nice gown for Sunday best, but now she was clad in simpler garments with simpler colors. Her hair was pinned up the way she had seen matrons wear, a high bun that sort of defied the pins so stray wisps of hair seemed to frame her face.

She had filled out some, her clothes had needed adjustment anyhow, letting out. Added to that, she had missed her menses again. She hadn't told Joe yet of it, but she was fairly certain she was expecting beyond doubt. She had spent hours on her masterpiece. 

There was no shortage of good cooking in the house as Pearl took delight in spending time with Lottie. In fact, Lottie might even find she had more time on her hands with Pearl taking up the helm on chores without needing instruction. She was in love with her whole family. Her chosen family.

RE: The Secret Garden - Lottie Blacke - 06-02-2024

Lottie popped in from another part of the house, and stopped abruptly surveying the scene in the front room

"Well, haven't ye been busy.. This looks lovely, dear." She would be the envy of Osway Street.. rather than scorn or pity.. which would make a nice change. Her Joe might be a young clot at times, but Lottie had to concede he picked an excellent girl.

RE: The Secret Garden - Kate Blacke - 06-02-2024

Kate dropped her school bag in the hallway just like ma always told her not to and grunted in irritation. Torture wasn't over yet for today. She had an appointment with her new sister-in-law to train in the one subject she hated with a vengeance. Needlework. The only point in that subject was on the needles that kept pricking her fingers. She'd listen to the infant class drumming up the alphabet over and over while she tapped the letters on the blackboard with a glassy stare, before she did backstitches. God help her. Was there no end to her misery?

She entered the parlor with a barely suppressed grimace. She was supposed to be nice to Pearl, even if she was annoyed. Ma adored Pearl. Even dad had warmed to her. Joe obviously drooled all over her like the idiot he was. Kate felt rather left out. With all her older siblings' up and down drama, nobody ever noticed her!

At least the scones were good.

Then she saw her mother. Yes. Absolutely time to be on her best behaviour, especially since her parents wouldn't stop about needlework lately. Her current failure at it was after all threatening Kate's future career. 

"Hi ma, hi Pearl." Her stomach growled at the sight of the sandwiches.

RE: The Secret Garden - Pearl Blacke - 06-02-2024

"Welcome home," said Pearl softly, and then she smiled at Lottie before looking back to Kate, "I thought you could use a day to celebrate you, my dear sister. Ruth should be here soon too! Please do have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I have taken the liberty of asking Da what some of your favorite things are, and I also want you to know that I am glad to have two new and lovely sisters."

As if on cue, Ruth strolled in with her chubby son on her hip. The boy lit up as he saw Kate and started giving Granny hands and greeting her with exuberant cries, "Abababa!"

She smiled at her sister and offered the boy to Pearl. Pearl lit up and took the boy as Ruth moved to greet her kinfolk with kisses and hugs, as well as setting a prettily wrapped parcel up on a table full of gifts.

Pearl had used sale money to get some things for the girl, and even took the time to credit the other family members. Pearl then said, "There is plenty to eat, I had plenty to make so the things I brought could be used before it got bad, I thought why not just add to the fun? And the menfolk have been asked to stay out of this room, don't worry, they are getting fat and sassy too in the kitchen if they are here." Or so she hoped.