By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Beryl Silver Presenting [Market, Shops, and Spas] - Printable Version

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RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

"Oh right..." Ruth answered in a pensive tone.

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

Menachem turns to her and seems curious. "You don't believe me?"

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

Ruth tilted her head. "I didn't say I don't. Was she ugly? Or do ye like t' men?"

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

He shook his head. "She was pretty enough, but she was married and I don't play with married women." That was enough of an answer.

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

That provoked a laugh from her. "Aren't you a good christian."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

That caused him to laugh. "I'm not..."

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

"Afraid of t' 'usband, then?" she tried. She looked around. Where were these Meijers?

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "No. I could handle them, but what girl is worth that trouble?"

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Ruth Longbottom - 01-08-2023

"Every other man thinks its worth it," Ruth answered with a shrug.

RE: Beryl Silver Presenting - Menachem Meijer - 01-08-2023

He shook his head, "That's on them. If a girl is married, it isn't worth the trouble. That simple."