By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] Votes for Women! [Pavilion and Fairground] - Printable Version

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RE: Votes for Women! - Albert Hailey - 06-17-2022

The news came to Bert from a passerby of indeterminate middle age whose concern about the gathering of women caused his flabby jowls to shake wildly. Bert quickly made his way to the scene.

"Police. Step aside. Stand Back!" Bert announced loudly, using his uniform and the authority of his position to get through. The men in the crowd parted easily, no shoving required. These women were mad! Why couldn't they be more like Delilah?

"What's all this then?" he asked

RE: Votes for Women! - Jamie Maclellan - 06-19-2022

Jamie was on the beat with the others. He had heard Wood blowing his whistle almost 5 streets away and had headed in that direction.

Today hadn't even a great day as he was one dog down as max was at home recovering after getting his paw slashed on a broken bottle and having to be stitched. But he had Luna, Luna was vocal. Very vocal.

Jamie soon turned the corner to find his fellow constables and a hoard of angry women shouting about votes for women.

He would soon find his away amongst the ranks of fellow constables and luna started to wimper with excitement. She knew it was game time. Jamie shouted loudly. "Get back"

RE: Votes for Women! - Loretta Ward - 07-01-2022

Oh! The blonde lady with an accent made a riveting point! She brought her fan out and drew it across her cheek, as she was sure the Queen of England herself might!

She found her enthusiasm waning in the blonde, however, as she urged orderly protest. It sounded reasonable. It sounded like it should work. But since when were men reasonable?

That was only vindicated when the chairman renounced the woman’s suggestion, to which Lory booed even louder and snapped her fan shut. After tucking it back into her purse, she cupped her hands around her mouth. It was very important that the farthest range of ears possible heard:


Lory was one of the ones booing loudly at a man’s cry for her to ‘shut up’. Nonetheless, her eyes continued to skitter uneasily toward the coppers – one in particular.

“Yeah!” she roared at Lailani’s speech, and followed along to the chained lass (oh! Chains! Would it be inappropriate to …?)

Were they stripping? Oh! Lory knew how to do this! She, personally, thought corsets were evil, and so she reached to help Lailani’s with hers with an impish grin.

RE: Votes for Women! - Frances Cockburn - 07-01-2022

Constable Coburn cast one look at Maclellan, smiled, and walked into the midst of the crowd.

The constable clubbed one loud person in the head at random.

RE: Votes for Women! - Albert Hailey - 07-02-2022

The boos and shouting of the women grew louder. Albert swallowed his fear, moustache twitching. One of them looked she was stripping off her clothes

"Dear God, they've gone radical!" Albert said softly, his vocalised fear lost in the din of the crowd. His eyes frantically scanned the crowd for Delilah. Surely she wouldn't be mixed up in all this? He spotted Sgt Maclellan and Luna. Poor Luna was going berserk.

"Orders, Sarge?" Albert asked, for the three bright chevrons on Maclellan's sleeve meant more pay, but also meant making the tough decisions.

RE: Votes for Women! - Aurore McKenna - 07-02-2022

"Well my daughters, this is not how you have a demonstration. Come. Let us get home before we see anymore violence. We shall pray for the wounded, and for whatever happens next." She gathered up her babies and made for their estate. She had a few good names and would be sending out invitations one day soon.

RE: Votes for Women! - Elijah Crane - 07-04-2022

This was becoming madness. He wanted to do something, but he had to follow orders from the sergeant. He looked around at the other constables. There was a police dog now involved, it was only rising the tension and he feared what would happen. "Please, we have to do something to deescalate this before someone gets hurt." He hadn't seen Cockburn club someone yet. "I fear this is only making it worse." He was worried he'd be talked down to as the other seemed to have a plan but it was giving him such a strong sense of dread.

RE: Votes for Women! - Alasdair Maclellan - 07-04-2022

Alasdair cracked his neck and got the constables close other than Cockburn and Wood who were all ready in the crowd creating a distraction.

He looked at them "Constable Hailey. You and Constable Maclellan will head slightly to the right of the railings and Luna will bark and create a distraction. Both of you will give your handcuff sets to Constable Crane and when I blow my whistle come back towards me and we may have to push the crowd back" Alasdair also handed him his own cuffs and dismissed the other two.

He looked at Crane "Elijah i need you handcuff the women who are on the railing once we get the chains off. If we handcuff them and take them away. The crowd will think they have won but all we are gonna do is move them to another area and realise them. Make them look like martyrs to the cause but we are only defusing this situation" he also slipped his hand in his pocket pulling out a set of lock picks giving Elijah a quick glance "Cockburn isn't the only one who has ventured on the wrong side of the law in the past"

RE: Votes for Women! - Jamie Maclellan - 07-04-2022

Jamie needed very little instructions for what was about to happen. He handed his handcuffs to elijah and moved towards his instructed position and within seconds Luna started barking the deepest barks she has ever done

RE: Votes for Women! - Jack - 07-05-2022

The woman PC Wood was trying to calm down ducked when a club was swung in her direction. PC Wood was not so fast. Down he went and all went black.. A dark circle appeared on crotch as his bladder relaxed.