By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] In-Laws are Still Sisters [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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In-Laws are Still Sisters [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 03-22-2022

Kitty had been slowly getting better, and after the fiasco that was Uriel's injury, she'd worked harder to get back to normal. She didn't want to be depending on him and Noah any more than necessary. She had fed and put Abe to bed and was up with a basket and her cane as she went to get the eggs. It wasn't strenuous, so she was certain she could do that much.

She was just leaving the coop when she noticed a woman walking around the farm. Someone she had never seen before. Kitty rose her brow and slowly walked through the clucking hens as she walked over. "Hello there.. Can I help you?"

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Ruth Meijer - 03-23-2022

Ruth had been having a vivid view exchange with an hen that believed it appropriate to soil her boots and was rapidly following the bird around the farm to exact her revenge, before reaching the building where her brother and his family lived.

Ruth was not sparing strong words for the bird, but it was still alive, so really, it couldn’t have been that bad. A woman approached her. Ruth moved with a single movement, her red hair bouncing around her shoulders. “Ah! You must be Kitty! Finally!” She did not introduce herself.

The woman was wearing riding bloomers and a very loose blouse, both in hunter green, an incredibly modern -and tall- feathered hat, that was not too dissimilar from the one worn by hunters, dark leather gloves and leather shoes. She was tall and skinny, had flaming red hair that she coiffed sensibly and the stride of a soldier. “Pleasure! I’m visiting.” No introduction, but guessing that she was a Meijer, at this point, was no hard. Also, if Kitty knew something about her sisters in law, the sheer volume of Ruth’s voice should have told her which one she was currently facing.

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 03-23-2022

Kitty saw the woman and was on guard for a moment. Seeing the red hair and eccentric clothing, she thought hard to consider if she'd had a long lost sister she didn't know about. A second later, she relaxed as she recalled hearing Uriel speak of his family. It must be Ruth.

"Ah, yer Uriel's sister! Nice ta meet you." She walked over slowly with the help of her cane and then held it carefully in the other hand so she could stretch out her right to shake. "You got it right, I'm Kitty." She was surprised at the visiting. "Ah, I didn't even know you were in town. Are ya staying in town or...?" She was not going to be one to turn away family ever. The woman definitely looked like she could be her kind of person. "My home is your home."

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Ruth Meijer - 03-24-2022

Ruth would have probably been flattered upon discovering that, indeed, some description of her would have been enough to identify her. From what Kitty said, though, she wasn’t sure she had recognised her as the “correct” one. But hopefully she had already met Nesah and wasn’t going to mix them together.

“Indeed. Ruth,” she took the hand and shook it, like a proper business man. “It is nice to meet you too.” She added, a smile that looked more like a smirk. Ruth waved “Oh, I’m staying with my brother. He offered.” He hadn’t, but what was a single lady to do? Spinsterhood was’t strong enough *yet* to justify staying on her own. Plus, if she stayed at Zechariah’s, she could get ahold of his vests and perhaps find out, in the meantime, what was this fiancée nonsense. And she didn’t know Kitty much. Her invitation was welcome, though. In fact, she didn’t expect it to come at all. “You are so very kind, Kitty, but I will not abuse your hospitality.” *hers*. “I would be happy with a cup of tea and a chat, if you do have some time.”

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 03-24-2022

Kitty shook back firmly then nodded. "Ah your brother, Zechariah?" She was surprised he'd offer a room, but then maybe he was getting something out of it. She wouldn't be surprised if that guy would charge even his own sister a small fee for rent or perhaps make her work as secretary while he was out of the house. Then again, being family maybe she had something on him?

She smiled and nodded. "It isn't that at all. I'm very happy to have a guest, and I'm sure Uriel will be happy to see ya. But if you have a place, I won't be rude and insist. And I can't blame you, Abe can wake anyone at any hour with his cryin." She had to be open about it, and she wasn't very maternal though she certainly was doing alright with him,he was her son. So she wouldn't expect any other woman to feel the same about a crying baby.

"Oh, of course. I'm still healing, so I have so much time while he's sleeping. This was my big chore for the day." She lifted the egg basket and smiled slightly as she turned and used her cane to walk back to the house. "We can sit in the kitchen, or even the front porch if you like the fresh air."

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Ruth Meijer - 03-25-2022

Ruth nodded, without making any further comment. Kitty will probably realise how the dynamic was there within the first five minutes she saw them together, but that wasn’t going to happen just yet. For one thing, because Ruth wanted to meet the woman for herself. She had heard a lot about her and her intention was to make up her own mind, as always.

Ruth smiled and wondered. *Would* Uriel be happy to see her? She tended not to be seen as good news by her siblings. She wondered why. Ruth raised her brows at that comment. Yes, being around a crying child wasn’t exactly the ideal life style she was looking forward to, though she wasn’t exactly here because sh was seeking a more comfortable life. “I appreciate you warning me. And I imagine it runs in the family. ” She was making an effort, but her lungs were a notorious among the Meijer.

Ruth nodded and asked “Do you have sufficient help?” Or has my brother neglected to hire someone for his healing wife? “I like the porch, I am enjoining the summer here, but only if it doesn’t bother you too much. And I can carry anything you’d like me to, if that helps.” And if that is not offending the hostess, that is, but Ruth was trying to be her usual practical self without intruding.

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 03-25-2022

Kitty was walking slowly towards the house as she had been speaking with Ruth. The comment on it running in the family had her raise a brow but she said nothing for a moment. Then she laughed and nodded, "I've got a set of lungs on me. You should have heard me back in the day, I could hoot and holler loud enough to be heard halfway across the plains I think."

The ask about help had Kitty shake her head. "Now don't you go worryin about me none. Uriel hired a nice but tempermental farmhand, he's got a good heart though. I relate to him. There ain't much that need doing in the house, and Uriel's been a gem doing all he can. I might have been down for a while, but I'm trying to get back on my feet. It's time for the baby to be sleeping, not me. Long as I take it easy." She explained. "You're sweet, but I'm good. And I love sitting on the porch." She got to said porch and paused.

"You make yourself comfortable, I'll go put this up", she said gesturing to the eggs, "And I'll return. I can get us something to drink if'n you like. I made lemonade."

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Ruth Meijer - 03-27-2022

Ruth, who normally took very long strides and seemed ready to invade whatever destination she was set upon reaching, made herself slow for Kitty’s sake. She smiled a little “Really? I would love to hear that, sometimes, if you not only use it to shout. Perhaps we can even attempt a duet,” she suggested, without thinking too much about whether that was a suitable suggestion.

“Has he? Oh good.” No sarcasm detected. Ruth had never been called sweet by anyone in her whole life and she almost flinched, but concluded simply nodding was the best course of action. “I can imagine being idle and still might not suit someone who has been moving a lot her whole life.” She concluded, simply making conversation, for now, again, going for less threatening.

Ruth nodded and went in the kitchen to fetch some lemonade, while she explored what sort of world Uriel and Kitty had created form themselves. Unlike what one might expect, she wasn’t actually very judgemental of other people’s choices in life, not even when it came to her family -probably because she always hoped they would have the same regard for her- but that aspect of her personality was a rather private one. She got herself some lemonade and then proceed to the porch, looking at the countryside idyll in front of herself, resting her back against a wall while she waited.

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 03-27-2022

Kitty looked surprised at the suggestion, but grinned and nodded laughing a little, "Yeah, I'd like that. We can blame it on the foxes." She didn't know if Ruth was sincere, but all she could do was respond as if she was.

She nodded slightly. "Oh yeah. It isn't just the being unable ta move as I want. I hate bein so god damned useless. I want to help on the farm, and just do things. But I'll be back to myself in no time. Well, mostly anyway." She'd opened the door for Ruth and told her where the kitchen was since it seemed she wanted to come inside as well.

"Uriel did most of the decoratin, he's got an eye for it better'n me." She said as she walked in to the kitchen and sat the basket down on the dining room table. A large beast came bounding for her and she acked, pushing him down. "How'd you get in here?" She grabbed the hound by his collar and winced as she guided him to the door and the dog gave a cheerful baying howl before running out to join the others. She looked back embarrassed. "Sorry they aren't supposed ta be in the house." She sighed and went to get her own lemonade.

She watched the woman leaning back and rose her brow before chuckling. "The chairs are perfectly fine, I swear." She took one and sat down leaning back to slowly rock as she sipped her lemonade.

RE: In-Laws are Still Sisters - Ruth Meijer - 03-28-2022

Ruth shrugged, still ironic in her very ambiguous way “Well, at least then they will have a good reason to spat whatever nonsense they are always saying about redheads.”

Ruth nodded: she could understand that very well. She had completely refused to face the fact that her body was agining, even though the process was indeed very slow. The small changes where unacceptable and it was probably nothing comparable to what Kitty was going through.

“Really?” She then said, with the especially smug tone she reserve for the siblings, putting this in her book. Of course, Kitty could not understand her meaning yet, she lacked that particular context familiarity that hadn’t been awarded to her… yet.

Ruth shrugged her shoulders “Oh, I am really just here for a vacation” and extended one “I took a boat from France and then a train. A long way, but I enjoy some adventure.” She confessed, nicely sharing her experience. Ruth shook her head “It’s fine, I get it.” And whether or not she actually meant it, she sounded very accommodating.

Ruth laughed, sat on one of the chairs and crossed her legs “Whitby must be very different from where you grew up. How do you like it?” She asked, directly, trying to make conversation the way she ought to and failing miserably.