By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] An Appleton a Day [The British Isles] - Printable Version

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RE: An Appleton a Day - Tobias Appleton - 01-22-2022

"We..." Tobias started hesitantly, looking the man over, "don't normally get gentlemen like yerself buyin' their own supplies, to be honest," he replied. "Was Jenny able to get ye all ye need?"

"I'm afeard we don't 'ave more eggs than this, ser." Jenny muttered.

RE: An Appleton a Day - Zechariah Meijer - 01-22-2022

“It is a first,” he laughed, all affected congenial charm. “My maid is …” he paused, “entering the next chapter of a fisherwoman’s life?” he mused. “They do it a bit different in these parts, but I am hardly here year-round.”

Summers, mostly, but he used to be as close to year-round as his schedule had allowed when Simon was still breathing.

Zechariah drew forth his leather pocketbook, taking out a two-bob bit.

“This is all I have on hand,” he commented lackadaisically. “When might I come back for the other two dozen?”

RE: An Appleton a Day - Tobias Appleton - 01-22-2022

"Different?" he asked, in spite of himself. He was not actually in the mood to talk about fisherwomen getting married when he was beginning to seriously doubt the wisdom of his own decision in that regard.

He took the money. "Any time. There's always someone here. Will that do, with that basket? Jenny, put those eggs in the other basket. Ye can bring it back when ye come back, ser."

Jenny began to transfer the eggs.

RE: An Appleton a Day - Zechariah Meijer - 01-22-2022

Zechariah’s eyes gleamed, but he fixed his gloves as though to stall.

“Ah, you know,” he laughed. “Perhaps I am just a bit of a prude. You know – the child coming before the wedding, and the notice haphazardly somewhere in between. Am I going to make an expecting woman carry groceries? Of course not.”

Zechariah made no move to stop the man’s fussing over him, instead relishing the extra moments to drop hint after sordid hint about Alice’s sister.

“Thank you, thank you. You are too kind. I hope your wife is no longer … unwell?” he glanced to Jenny for ‘clarification’. “Soon.”

RE: An Appleton a Day - Tobias Appleton - 01-22-2022

Was that anger flashing over his face? He certainly felt anger. Who was this stranger coming here to lecture him!? Had he picked up gossip in the village or...

Then he realize the man was actually talking about his maid, not Alice. He rubbed his beard.

But before he had time to fully calm down, Alice did get mentioned. He looked at Jenny for a moment. Had she been gossiping? The girl's face turned red under his gaze. Then he looked back at the stranger. "I'm sure she will be. Thank you." He stepped into the scullery, reached for the basket and handed it to the gentleman. "Here we are. Will that be all?"

RE: An Appleton a Day - Zechariah Meijer - 01-22-2022

Zechariah’s expression remained nonchalant, but oh! Was he giddy over the idea that Alice might be in for it!

Then he saw the look he cast at his maid, and Zechariah had a regret.

Sort of.

Sometimes, other people suffered for the right thing. Right? He cast an apologetic look the blonde’s way when Tobias was reaching past.

“That will be all, Mr. Appleton. Thank you.”

RE: An Appleton a Day - Tobias Appleton - 01-22-2022

"Alright then. Have a good day then, ser."

Wait, he didn't know this man. How did he -, Must have been referred on here in town.

Still, he felt uncomfortable and he was eager for the stranger to leave.