By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] I Got a Cure for what Ails You [Market, Shops and Spas] - Printable Version

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I Got a Cure for what Ails You [Market, Shops and Spas] - Pony McBride - 07-22-2019

This was a beautiful town. The sun was shining, birds were screeching, and the roar of the waves from the ocean brought a refreshing breeze. He didn't know if he'd be able to sell much, but he sure as hell would try. 

Pony patted his most trusted companion, Jenny the mule, before going around to unlock the cart. He pulled out his little handy dandy display to show off a dozen at a time and puffed up his chest to prepare. He ran his fingers over his head to smooth back his hair and checked himself for dirty and brush out any wrinkles. Finally he called out, his voice loud like a cock's crow. 

"Step right up! Step right up! I am the one and only bringer of a mysterious, magical, and mythical concoction straight from the East! Whether its your bones or brains, this little drink will help you! Just a spoonful ever day and you will find yourself feeling better and looking better! I use it every day myself and look how much energy I have!" He gave a huge grin and held out his hands. "Step right up, no need to crowd! Today only I will give you a deal of half the regular price!"

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Ida Britt - 07-28-2019

Walking through the streets, Ida could easily see why Papa had moved the family home here. It was beautiful in its own way and she loved the fresh breeze, even if it meant keeping a hand on her dress to keep it from blowing around randomly. She often went on walks through the streets, it was so different from the school Grandmother had sent her to. Being back in her father’s care, the rules she had followed for the last couple of years had been very much been forgotten. If only Grandmother knew she walked alone. Ida smirked at the thought of it.

It was on one of these walks she noticed a small group of people moving to watch a man that seemed to be selling some sort of liquid. Slowly she made her way over, very curious about it. “What is it?” she asked once close enough. Perhaps it would help mother.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Pony McBride - 07-29-2019

The red haired man gave her a large grin something between merriment and a warmth to welcome those around him. He held the bottle up to show her the label that merely contained a picture of a random weed and the name of his concoction as well as the printed guarantee to help.

"Ah this is my own creation. Easy Old Beijing Secret Tonic! It's derived from a secret formula straight from the far east! But it is easy because I added a little of my own to make it work better and be easier to go down." He smiled huge and pulled a spoon from his pocket. "Would anyone wish to try some! I give you my word, if you take one spoonful twice a day every day then you will eventually feel better and see the magic work!"

He certainly would avoid ingredients. That was after all, a trade secret.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Ida Britt - 08-03-2019

Ida looked closely at the bottle in wonder. Perhaps it really would help mother regain some energy. “I’ll try some” she said to his offer, not scared at all.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Pony McBride - 08-03-2019

Pony gave her a nod and produced a bottle from his pocket and placed it delicately into her hands as he peered into her eyes with a warm gentleness. "I wish to help, so for coming to me and offering me the honor of viewing your sweet face, I will give you this bottle for free though I do not know if such a delightful young lady like yourself needs any assistance." He gave her a wink as if it were their little secret.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Ida Britt - 08-05-2019

Ida gently took the bottle from the man, her face growing to a soft pink not use to that sort of attention from a man. “Thank you very much sir” she replied with a bashful smile. “It’s not for myself, it’s for my mother.”

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Pony McBride - 08-05-2019

The redheaded man placed a hand upon his chest giving her a sympathetic look. "Oh my fair lady, I do so hope this helps her regain her health. If I can do anything please do not hesitate to let me know." He rest a hand lightly upon hers over the bottle. "I am sure this will be just what she needs to lift her spirits and her health though, or my name is not Pony."

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Ida Britt - 08-06-2019

“Thank you Mr Pony” she replied with a smile, feeling slightly odd with his hand on hers.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Pony McBride - 08-06-2019

"No need to thank me. Your poor mother getting better is more than thanks enough!" He moved the hand to pat her arm lightly. "You go on home so that you can get this to her without anything unfortunate happening to you or the bottle. I wish to hear nothing but good news from you later." He smiled huge and moved to place a few more bottles out as others now seemed interested.

RE: I Got a Cure for what Ails You - Ida Britt - 08-08-2019

Ida smiled and nodded before turning to head home like suggested. She hoped it would really help her mother.