By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Just One [Hotels, Pubs, and Accommodations] - Printable Version

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RE: Just One - Claude Longbottom - 07-28-2019

Yep. He had said the wrong thing.

"I'm sure she'll find it one day sir" he replied. "She doesn't seem the type to not."

RE: Just One - Benjamin Ward - 07-28-2019

"Aye, she's a fighter, that one - bit too much at times..." he added with a grimace, but then he quickly corrected himself: "But a kind heart, and she's a hard worker too. Reliable. She'd make a good wife, ye know..."

RE: Just One - Claude Longbottom - 07-28-2019

Claude tried to hide his own grimace, probably to little effect.

"I'm sure sir" he replied. "To someone who wants one."

RE: Just One - Benjamin Ward - 07-28-2019

What was wrong with his Rose? Ben frowned. But he did not relent. Instead, he leaned forward a little and looked at the young man. "Look, Claude. A man's gotta do what 'e believes is right. All I'm sayin' is, if you are unattached, and she is, and you've grown up together... You've seen her grow up. You know she's a fine lass. Bit plain alright, but it's better to have a plain lass who's sensible and hard-working than a pretty lass that'll make a begger out of ye, that's what I would say. An' you were almost one of ours with you an' Simon being friends. I'd easilly call ye my son."

RE: Just One - Claude Longbottom - 07-28-2019

Claude tried to lean back more in his seat when the man moved closer to him. He physically flinched at Simon's name, and took a moment to look away before looking back at the man.

"You got'me wrong Sir" he replied then sighed. "Rose is a great lass, I have always considered her a sister. But it would be unfair to marry her. I don't wish to marry at all. It is not something I hope for nor want. It only brings problems, which I already have enough of."

RE: Just One - Benjamin Ward - 07-28-2019

At last, Ben sat back, looking at Claude offended. "Our Rose doesn't give trouble." He said defensively.

RE: Just One - Claude Longbottom - 07-28-2019

Claude groaned. "She doesn't sir," most of the time.... "But it would be an extra mouth to feed and should there be children? No, not fair on her or them. I already have children in my care, I couldn't do that to them... Besides, she can do better then me."

RE: Just One - Benjamin Ward - 07-28-2019

"Aye I hear you, though she'd work for her share." But it was true. Neither of their families had much to spend. Suddenly Ben put a hand on the young man's shoulder. "But you're not a bad lad, son, wherever you come from. 's not our history that defines us."

RE: Just One - Claude Longbottom - 07-28-2019

Claude froze under the mans hand, not use to being touched. Especially by the man.

"She can still do better" he replied before standing up, leaving his drink half drank on the table. "I best get home before Father decides to start looking for me." Not that he would, but Mr Ward didn't need to know that.

RE: Just One - Benjamin Ward - 07-28-2019

"Ben looked up at the young man surprised, looked down at the unfinished drink and then back at Claude. "Actually, there's some other people I should see." He picked up his tea and also stood up. "Do come for tea sometime. We need not speak of it again." He said and he moved over to another corner of the pub.