By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] The day after [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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RE: The day after - Benjamin Ward - 02-02-2020

"If... it's no problem to you." Ben said hesitantly. "It would be very helpful at the moment. I'll send Will over, later, to bring Bram's things."

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-02-2020

Elijah shook his head and smiled. "I'll come by to get it. I have work still to do today so it isn't any problem. Things seem tense at home. I offered to let Alice make up some of the money she took by working for me as a maid at my house a couple of times a week but it seems like she can't right now. Maybe later."

RE: The day after - Benjamin Ward - 02-02-2020

Ben shook his head. "She's done so... so much lyin', Elijah. I'd prefer her to stay in doors for now, until I've decided what to do."

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-02-2020

Elijah sighed. "If you insist. I hope you don't cage her too tightly. It'll just hurt her more." He turned to head home with Bram, wondering if he'd end up with a night visitor begging for help to escape to York again. It would be better than her sneaking around and stealing.

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-02-2020

Bram walked with him. "Ye think Alice is the next to die?" he asked, in all seriousness.

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-02-2020

Elijah looked shocked. "I hope no one dies in your family for a long long time.." He tried to get him to hurry to his house so they could focus on tea and not death.

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-02-2020

Bram followed him. "Someone dies every so often." he muttered.

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-02-2020

"Yes, but I am happier not thinking about it and hoping it won't come. It's always so sad and painful when it does.' He said as they walked. "Young and old can die, so it'll always be a surprise who comes next. All the more reason to try to keep people alive, to make it harder."

RE: The day after - Abraham Ward - 02-02-2020

"I hope I won't die..." Bram muttered.

RE: The day after - Elijah Crane - 02-02-2020

Elijah smiled sadly."I hope you don't die until you're a very old man. I wish no one died, but it will come eventually, so I wish for it not to happen until they are very old and have no regrets."