By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] Strange thing, mystifying [Streets, Yards, and Homes] - Printable Version

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RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Anthony Rowe - 01-24-2020

Anthony looked at Elijah curiously as the latter stood up all of a sudden, but let himself relax a bit when he said why. "Oh. Well, then, don't let me keep you," he said. Anthony kept forgetting that Elijah actually had....places to be in, things to do, and all that. Which was both good and bad to him, really. But right now, he didn't mind either way. Being alone for a bit would probably be good.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Elijah Crane - 01-24-2020

Elijah gave a nod. "I'll see you tonight." He waved and disappeared out of the door. He had another thought, one that he'd take care of that night  He thought highly of Anthony and believed it wouldn't scare him off.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Anthony Rowe - 01-24-2020

"See you," Anthony nodded at Elijah as a 'goodbye' as he left again. As soon as he had left, Anthony had found himself wishing he hadn't, just so that he had something to distract him from all his thoughts. But, then again, as Elijah was in fact the cause for said thoughts, maybe that wasn't a bright idea after all. Ugh. He needs to go on a walk or something—clear his head, somehow. This is killing him.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Elijah Crane - 01-24-2020

Elijah came home early. Maybe he was excited to have someone to come home to, maybe it was anxiety for what he had planned.

"Anthony?" He called out as he went inside. Diane murred, greeting him first.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Anthony Rowe - 01-24-2020

Anthony had returned from his little walk only a bit of time before Elijah had, but, alas, his head wasn't really any clearer than before, though. But at least he got some fresh air? Silver linings and all that.

"Hey, Elijah," Anthony greeted as soon as he heard him calling out.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Elijah Crane - 01-24-2020

"Hello. I hope your day was alright." He smiled as he went to feed Diane. "I had an easier day today. Hope you didn't mind me coming early..."

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Anthony Rowe - 01-24-2020

"It was," Anthony smiled right back at Elijah, glancing at him briefly as he went to feed Diane. "that's good, yeah? Don't mind at all. Quite the opposite, really." Being alone was boring and forced him to reflect on his feelings, so company's fine. Especially if it's Elijah.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Elijah Crane - 01-25-2020

Elijah walked over and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was thinking..maybe.. we did a little reading before dinner. But if you're hungry, I'll make it first. I mean there is plenty of time after all." He smiled, wanting to express how happy he was that he was there, even if he might ruin it.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Anthony Rowe - 01-25-2020

Anthony looked up at Elijah as the latter spoke. "Okay, that sounds fine to me," he nodded. "I'm not really hungry anyways, so, yeah." Anthony shrugged, smiling right back at Elijah, definitely in a way better mood than he was in the morning.

RE: Strange thing, mystifying - Elijah Crane - 01-25-2020

Elijah gave a nervous smile. "Alright..I figured we could do a shorter book.. It's called Hard Times, by Charles Dickens." He grabbed the book and gave it to him while he started a fire so that they would be warm. He was a bit on edge until he had it going and sat beside him. "I.. find it easier to read without my gloves.' He looked towards Anthony with a frown. "Can you.. please.. not run off?"