By Wit & Whitby
Ugh, aglow? - Printable Version

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RE: Ugh, aglow? - Pearl Blacke - 11-08-2024

"I only mean to point out that it could be something he feels bad for doing and is worried you wouldn't forgive him. I hope whatever it is, you are able to talk it out. I... Would not like to see my friends as unhappy as the people in my life. Lord knows I love them all, but they are all hurting each other and me. It isn't right for all these dirty secrets to ruin a family. They don't see they are wrong and I cannot make them... But if Mr. Willaby is as good a man as you say, then you had best become a team and not endure alone. You need to endure together, the discord will only hurt you both " Her eyes were very sad as they looked to Rose, but she wasn't crying. She had changed.

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Rose Willaby - 11-08-2024

Rose hooked her arm with Pearl's again when she mentioned her family and began to walk slowly. Her other hand patted Pearl's arm. She knew how much the trouble in Pearl's family hurt her.

The mention of secrets gave her pause though. Dirty secrets that ruined a family... Had she not brought her own into the marriage? There had been times where she had wondered if it was her secret that had come to haunt her now. If her own deceptiveness had somehow led to all of this.

"You're right, Pearl. Of course you are. I hope you are finding the Blackes more honest and kind..."

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Pearl Blacke - 11-09-2024

"They were angry with us at first, and I don't blame them." She smiled a little, "Ma and Da already had me calling them that and once they heard the whole story, they understood. I am grateful for them and I am sorry that it had to be rushed like that but I did not feel like I had a choice. I felt backed into a corner and that shouldn't have been why we married, but Joe has been such a good man to me and working very hard to make things right. He has gotten a job with the constables and we should be able to get a better go of it once we are able to get into a home of our own with the money I got from selling most of my things and hin working so hard. Honestly, having gotten rid of all of that has lightened the weight on my shoulders and knowing that his family has accepted me and will never let my family near if they aren't civil has helped a lot too. Things have been difficult but the change has been worth it, and I love Joe very deeply for the beautiful soul he has, and I just adore the rest of the family." As they headed toward Osway, she found comfort in the way her friend walked along side of her.

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Rose Willaby - 11-09-2024

Rose walked alongside her friend with a frown on her face. Could Pearl mean to say that? "Pearl... Do you mean to say... I'm not judging you if you do, only... were you already pregnant then? Is that why you married 'im in such a hurry?"

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Pearl Blacke - 11-10-2024

"Lord, no. We waited for marriage," she said primly, doing that thing that ladies did when conftonted with talk of chastity. I know I am presenting fast but it might be that it could be more than one. I don't think I am sure what I will do if there are three." She even cringed at the thought. But at least she wasn't offended, her tone would not have stayed as light as it was.

"My late brother's wife had twins. It seems his widow married before the birth though. But the point is, they run in the family."

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Rose Willaby - 11-10-2024

The way Pearl categorically denied such a crime brought a crimson glow to Rose's face. She lowered her eyes. Oh for shame! How could she ever be honest with Andrew?

Pearl's suggestion that she might carry more than one child, mercifully distracted her. "Three?" As if two weren't dangerous enough. "Surely not. But if you think you carry twins you must be extra careful. Don't feel bad if you need a rest. Tell the Blackes that you think you may carry twins and they'll help you were they can. You'll need all your strength." Mrs. Owens from further along the Cragg had carried twins and she had died in childbirth.

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Pearl Blacke - 11-10-2024

"I plan on it. I have to face my father and mother at some point. But... Not until I know it is safe. I have so much I need to do before then. If I am being honest, I do feel more tired lately." Lucky for Pearl and Joe, there would be no twins or triplets, but she did not know that she had inherited what her birth mother had. She was not saying anything but sweat was starting to roll diwn her face and she did look shaky. It was a good thing they were nearing home, she was starting to feel rather sickly.

"Perhaps I should talk to a physician," she murmured, her words actually sounding slughtly slurred. She paused and plucked an apple from the basket, and then a second, offering her friend one so she wouldn't feel rude. "I should sit down for now if that is alright. Ma is probably busy loving on Jacob. He is visiting us until Ruth gets to feeling better."

She leaned against the side of the nearest building and, assuming the apple was taken or rejected, she would produce a small wheel of cheese. She was mostly alright it seemed, for she took an unladylike bite of her apple after a quick rub on her skirt.

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Rose Willaby - 11-11-2024

Rose's concern only grew when Pearl's speech slurred a little. "Aye, ye should sit down," she said, accompanying her friend to the building. She took the apple, guided Pearl to the ground and sat down. "Thank ye. 'As this 'appened before, Pearl? It's early to feel quite so faint." But then again, she thought, Pearl had been brought up a lady and ladies were a lot frailer than the women Rose had grown up with. It was not uncommon for a woman to still stand knee deep in frosty water looking gathering bait at seven months pregnant.

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Pearl Blacke - 11-11-2024

"I have been exceptionally sick in the last several mornings, but not as bad in the few days leading up." She said this after she finished her bite, the apple doing quite a lot to sooth the gurgling of her belly. She had filled the basket on one side with a whole small sack of them just because they helped. She broke off a few chunks of chese, then broke some bread after putting everything in the basket in one place so she could keep her hands free since there were no plates. She stuck the basket between them so they could eat.

"I think getting ill hasn't helped," she set her apple in her lap with the bite up and ate a piece of bread with the cheese, nodding for her to eat some if she wished. "I think it could be something else and being pregnant just isn't helping either."

RE: Ugh, aglow? - Rose Willaby - 11-13-2024

Rose reached across the basket to put her hand on Pearl's arm. "Then perhaps ye should see the chemist. Even see a doctor if it lasts. Especially if you might carry twins. I don't mean to scare ye, Pearl, but I've seen pregnancies go wrong too often." She let go and took a piece of bread. She ate little these days, but talking to Pearl had returned some of her appetite.