By Wit & Whitby
Christmas down the stables. - Printable Version

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Christmas down the stables. - Alice Augusta Carrington - 12-24-2023

Alice had gotten up stupidly early. So early in fact that the house staff were still bed before getting dressed. Normally she would be looked at to set an example and be a lady of elegance but she was sorting out the horses today. 

Many of the stable hands were off today spending time with their families. A couple had agreed to help for a couple of hours to tend to the horses before returning home.

Alice had gathered the fed bags and other food for the horses and filled the fed bins while listening to the sounds in the stable block. It was a large block that housed the horses for the entire polo team. It also consisted of two bothys and 4 cottages for stable hands and farriers. It was an impressive site. 

She heard footsteps from behind and turned to see someone standing in the doorway. "And who might you be?" She asked