By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] [CW] A fishy business - Printable Version

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RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

"S-Simon! wait up!" He called out starting to get breathless from running so far and so fast. "Y-you're really fast."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Of all the children, Simon had always been the fastest runner, able to outrun even his big brother. And he had needed it with his tendency to piss people off. He stopped, however, when he heard Elijah. "Elijah..." he said, as the man approached. Now he had another reason to feel embarrassed. His lip was still bust. He didn't look anything near strong and tough at the moment. "I've kept you long enough. I'm sure you have work to do."

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah sighed as he caught up and shook his head. He held out his hand. "Give.. me the money. I'll keep it for you in my home. you know you can trust me. That way he won't find it. He doesn't have a right to tell you what to do with it, and now he won't find it on you.. Alright? I am sorry you've had such trouble. It isn't fair to you in the least. Just try harder to keep him from getting angry. And please.. stop that night stuff. I seen what happens to women sometimes. I don't want it happening to you too.."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon looked at him surprised, but he reached into his pocket and handed the money to Elijah. "Thanks, Elijah..." He bit his lip. "Can I bring you the rest of the money, that I hid at home. Last time when father found it, well... he took it..."

Thanks, Rose.

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah nodded. "I have a hiding space for some valuables, I'll put it all there so no one else touches it. Thank you Simon. I will help you change your life for the better." He smiled, certain he was doing the right thing.

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

A warmth filled him. He looked at Elijah and nodded slowly. The other man's genuineness and concern made him want to do exactly that: change for the better. "Thanks Elijah. I really appreciate. I should go pick up Will now, or everything will be worse."

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah nodded and gave him a quick hug. "I am alwayd here, Simon. Now go and I'll see you later." He smiled weakly.

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

Simon resisted the urge to lean into the hug. When he stepped back he remembered. "Will you be there in the afternoon, so I can bring it by?" Screw church. His father would be out on the sea.

RE: A fishy business - Elijah Crane - 09-08-2019

Elijah smiled. "I'll make sure I am for you. See you then .."

RE: A fishy business - Jack - 09-08-2019

"Thanks." And Simon ran off again, as fast as his legs could carry him.