By Wit & Whitby
Foibles - Printable Version

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Foibles - Uriel Meijer - 07-04-2022

Uriel was the kind of father that helped to raise the baby, not just let his wife stand to task. He let her sleep when she needed to sleep, took care of most of Abraham's needs while she slept other than feeding him, though he would if there was a bottle involved. He was currently holding his son in the parlor while Kitty was still resting, talking to the boy as if he could understand. "I knew then that I loved your mother with all of my heart. And now you are here, and you are our heart."

He was laid back on the settee, his legs hanging off one end since he was much longer than the cushion on which he lounged with the baby on his chest. "Now your uncle... Sometimes I don't know about him. Maybe he loves you in his strange way. I hope he knows what he is doing though." He sighed and rubbed Abe's back. "He certainly aims to spoil you, though I don't know if I can let you play with the toys he keeps sending. He means well." He grinned and then rubbed the babe's back.

RE: Foibles - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 07-04-2022

"He could ask you for better ideas.." The voice said from the doorway out of his view. Kitty was leaning against the door frame in a night gown with a robe over it. She looked sleepy as she had woken from a long nap and rubbed at her eyes. Her hair was a wild bush on fire as she hadn't bothered to brush it back. As she walked over slowly with a cane, she smiled eyeing her love and their child.

"But.. at least I guess he is trying. I expected him to leave that day and hide in a hole somewhere.."She said referring to her brother-in-law. "Your sister, though. She's been a delight. I hope she comes by sometime and you both talk more." The woman spoke softly hoping the baby would go back to sleep as she kissed Uriel on the forehead. She leaned down with an arm draped over the settee and brushed her fingertips against his forehead to brush back his hair. "How's he been? Not too fussy?" She asked before continuing. "Sorry I keep sleeping. I am trying to get back on my feet as fast as possible. Before we know it, school will be back in session and you'll have to spend time with kids other than our little Abe.'

RE: Foibles - Uriel Meijer - 07-18-2022

"Which sister? Ruth? Yeah, I like her more than the others, but don't tell her I said that. Tch, my idiot brother on the other hand..." He rolled his eyes heavenward and started to rub Abe's back. "How are you feeling, my love?" he asked softly, standing up and making room for her on the couch. "Sit, sit, you needn't be up on your feet yet so much." The boy dozed off.

"I don't think I told you... not in the excitement of the other day... But Zecheriah is planning to marry Magnus Carrington's widow... Sonia."

RE: Foibles - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 07-19-2022

Kitty smiled and slowly sat beside him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Thank ya, darlin. I'll say I don't understand why ya can't just be nice ta your siblings. She was tha same. You'd all be happier if ya just told each other ya care now and again." She shrugged and leaned against his shoulder a little and rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm alright. Doing a little better each day, just wish I was all better."

"Really?" She looked at him in surprise. "I don't know this woman but.. I'll be honest. The little bit I seen of your brother he hasn't seemed like.. the type ta want marriage. He's so ..." She shrugged, she couldn't explain herself.

RE: Foibles - Uriel Meijer - 06-17-2023

"I don't think Zecheriah actually wants a wife for... uh... those purposes, but to one up all of his siblings. Marrying a lady of the night who happened to also be the widow of a killer seems a bit of a far reach, even for him. I just hope he really knows what he is doing and that it won't bite him in the ass." He shrugged with his free shoulder and then wrapped his long arm around his healing wife. He smiled happily because of the kiss she bestowed upon his whiskered cheek. He absently rubbed his thumb in circles over the flesh of her arm, casually so. "I love you..." he murmured, "And Abe. Look at him... He's getting so big already, just like me." He marveled aloud. "He looks like us both but I think he favors you." The boy in question stuffed his tiny fist into his mouth. He was definitely Uriel's flesh and blood if his looks had anything to say about it.

And even if he wasn't... well... Uriel didn't care. He loved Abe so very much that it was hard for it to miss. He loved his son freely and without a care for what others might have thought. "He's beautiful," he murmured in wonder, "Look at what we did."

RE: Foibles - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 07-22-2023

Kitty's smile remained though the corners seemed forced to not turn down. "Well, then I wish well for them both. It seems like it could bring so much misery. But all we can do is let them do what they feel is best, At least I don't think your brother would be abusive to her. And I do not think he'd take it from her if she was that way." She leaned into his arm and sighed watching Abe and stroked the baby's cheek.

"Well, I do hope so. I want him to be big and strong and smart like you, and my fierceness. He'll be unstoppable." She said with a large smile. Kitty sighed in comfort and stared at the baby. "He is beautiful. I never thought I'd settle down, and look at me." Kitty laughed weakly. "It's thanks to you. And having such a perfect boy... Thank you."

RE: Foibles - Uriel Meijer - 07-22-2023

"Unfortunately, Zech is Zech and things will end up being strange. I only hope the path of destruction doesn't have a wide berth around it." He sighed and then paid attention to the little one again. He smiled as the boy seemed to lift his head, wobbling to and fro as he gazed at his mother excitedly. Uriel marveled at it.

"I think he wants you now," said Uriel as he smiled at the boy and his love for his mother even as he was still a tiny baby and needed the neck support. He offered the red haired Abe to his mother then as he cooed at her and made funny expressions.

RE: Foibles - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 07-22-2023

Kitty grinned and kissed her husband on his cheek. "Lucky for us, I lived in a heck of a lot o' chaos in the West for years. We will manage whatever he stirs up! Besides, I'm sure he was thinkin the same when you got me knocked up." She winked with a small tired grin.

"Aww, of course. A little one like him would want his ma. They are like that at this age, ya?" She gingerly took her son, careful of his head and neck, and brought him close to hold. "When he's older, I'm gonna find a teacher to get him on a horse. He is gonna be a little menace!" She said cheerfully.

RE: Foibles - Uriel Meijer - 07-22-2023

"I doubt he'll be any thing less than large, my dear," he grinned. He drew her to him so she could sit with him, wrapping an arm around his wife and reaching out a finger to brush along Abe's cheek, adoring his son with his gaze as he did with Kitty every chance he could get. He sighed, "I feel as though I am more than ready to see him learn how to ride. Say the word and I will have the money for you to pick out a horse from the nearest farm."

RE: Foibles - Kitty Meijer Calamity - 07-22-2023

Kitty melted into Uriel and cuddled their son. She rest her head on his shoulder as she watched over Abe. "You spoil us " She said cheerfully though her expression turned slightly, but she tried not to show it. "As soon as he can walk, we can get him a young horse ta grow up with. Good ta bond and it'll help make the horse loyal. I only wish I could have rode along with him."

She immediately put on a big smile. "We'll never catch up with him once he gets ridin."