By Wit & Whitby
[Complete] new beat [Doctors, Constabulary, and Court] - Printable Version

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RE: new beat - Frances Cockburn - 07-11-2022

Constable Cockburn smirked and shook his head. What kind of life was this guy living? Had he never seen his mother turn tricks? His father sit at the table, counting the money with his head in one hand but no protest? So delicate, these sensibilities.

The constable’s smirk fell, however, when Crane handed over a watch and suggestion. He pocketed it and grunted an acknowledgment, a quizzical look his way before standing at attention for the sergeant.

RE: new beat - Alasdair Maclellan - 07-22-2022

Alasdair walked away leaving those two to sort stuff between themselves. He wandered over to the to his desk and stared blankly at the pile of files on his desk. "Become a sargeant they will be fun they said.."

Alasdair sat down and flicked through the first file.....then tossed it to the side......second file.....third file and sat up right. " is this all the unsolved files?"

RE: new beat - Elijah Crane - 07-24-2022

Elijah started to separate things they needed to get rid of , but wrote it all down. He put a few things in a middle pile that he wanted to argue to keep a little longer, in case it became necessary.

He almost asked Francis to sell them while he was going to sell the watch, but thought better for it. He took a few things so that they could be sold and donated, mostly to the station, but a few others could be donated to perhaps the church. That suddenly made him smile, certainly Father Richards would be happy with the extra money to help people.

The constable looked to the other room. "What? No, those are just the most recent." He gestured towards the file cabinet. "Unsolved are the top one, bottom is the solved or at least closed."