By Wit & Whitby
Plotter Templates - Printable Version

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Plotter Templates - Somniac - 07-09-2019

About You here.

[size=small][font=impact]Your Character Name[/font]
Age :: Place(s) they live(d) :: Profession[/size]
[b]Current Location:[/b] Punchy, short description of where your character can currently be found staying

[b]From Whence They Came[/b]
Background blurb here.
[list][*] Dated timeline here.[/list]

[list][*] Facilitation of pre-existing connections here.[/list]

[b]Potential Threads[/b]
[list][*] Plot teaser here.[/list]

[align=center][b][u]Existing Relationships[/u][/b][/align]
[list][*][url=Profile link here]Name Here:[/url] [i]Relationship description here.[/i]

[align=center][b][u]Current Plots[/u][/b][/align]

[i]Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of [url=]RPG-D[/url]. Please note that this template may be altered in any way from its original form to better suit individual plot-requesting needs. If redistributing in an altered format, please include credit for the original template.[/i]

What It Looks Like:

These formats are suggestion rather than mandatory: lay out your plotters in whatever way suits your interests, aesthetics, and so on best.